This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Mallardshead is absolutely killing it on reddit. He has taken the time to analyze the merge, among other things, and he and i agree on the enevitable consequences. It is refreshing to read such concise and common sense arguments. That guy is cool. /fanboy off.
Random idea: If there's ever a feature on SN for polls, it should be exponentially (or magnitudes) more expensive to create multiple polls per day, even by different users. E.g. in a single day - first poll could be 100 sats, second 1000 sats, third 10000 sats...
My thinking is that it's not desirable to have multiple polls per day on the main page, but if the author thinks the poll is really good and would provide to others, they should be able to post it with extra sats. This would have to be tested a bit, but I'm thinking it could work? What do other folks think? Is it good idea to have this concept of "non desirables" getting exponentially more expensive (like we have for comments on the same level)?
The mass psychosis is real. Inflation is through the roof and everyone is pretending this is fine :)
Doing month-end accounting for Warner House Press and marketing tasks for one of our most prolific authors. Also, reading The Great Fiction by Hoppe and exploring Sphinx.
Keep it up! Make sure to keep a portfolio so you can review your progress.
Thanks! I will upload my works at Ponybooru, so i and others can see it :-)
I think the expired jobs are sorted the wrong way round. The oldest belong at the bottom instead of the top, don't they?
It was easier to do it the way it is, but yes I’d prefer it the way you suggest
i'm sleeping most of the day..hell of a performance by Haney last night! Kambosos hit Haney with the best he has in his arsenal in the 7th and Haney didn't even flinch. Not good for the Kambosos side come the contractually obligated rematch. #boxing #undisputed #Fights
I've created a page for Weimar-related art on Bitcoin marketplace. Have a look at the first item, it may be designed individually!
Does an app have to be developed to participate in push notifications?