There isn’t even a “statist” approach to take here given the court ruling I linked to.
The best plan I have so far is to make a big sign visible from their back yard:
Families are sleeping Please be quiet after 10pm
If my neighbor covers it, I’d print thousands of flyers saying the same and drop them off at the house every morning before I left for work.
More aggressive: program a microcontroller to activate a series of very high powered floodlights pointing at the backyard to turn on for 10 minutes when the decibel level is unreasonable past 10pm.
well i guess a different statist approach would be to try to appeal that court ruling...
sucks that you have to deal with that though :(
I’m just going to move … still have 6 months on my lease … going to survey the neighbors before I sign another lease in this area though.
ahhh also a good option. might be good timing if housing market finally starts to correct as everyone is predicting...