Happy Sat-urday Stackers,
If you're visiting Austin for Bitcoin++ next week, I highly recommend you don't stay in an AirBnB. 😛
Economic externalities come in all shapes and sizes. I'm looking forward to programmable money helping reduce them.
Conquer your weekend projects, stackers!
Upcoming AMA: The Guy who’s read more about Bitcoin than you, Guy Swann, will be doing an AMA Tuesday June 7th at 1pm CT. Guy is the host of the popular podcast Bitcoin Audible. Come ask Guy anything!

Top Posts

  1. LN Capital made a FOSS capital management dashboard for routing nodes. The dashboard gives you historical data of things like fee rate changes, HTLC limits, channel balance, etc.
  2. Zero Fee Routing had a great SN AMA. We learn a lot about the present and future of routing, CLN vs LND, and much more from one of the fastest growing routing nodes on Lightning.
  3. Seth for Privacy wrote a fairly comprehensive list of Bitcoin privacy proposals and their varying statuses. It's an incomplete but evolving document and well worth checking out.
  4. Exponential Layers is a new, polished looking Lightning explorer on the scene. They asked SN users for feature requests.
  5. New York is trying to ban fossil-fuel based mining operations

Don't Miss

  1. A big routing node, medium_of_exchange, was compromised via a social engineering attack. Fortunately, they recovered most of the 32 Bitcoins stored on the node, but the node was forced to shut down.

Top Meta Posts

  1. @CheezeGrater asks Stackers who are still tipping only 1 sat at a time, why?

Top Jobs

  1. Senior Backend Engineer (Golang) \ NOAH \ London or Remote
  2. Earn sats by watching Austrian Economics podcasts/videos online \ Stakwork \ Remote
  3. Golang Developer \ NOAH.COM \ Remote
Yeehaw, Keyan Main guy who works on Stacker News
Thank you Keyan!
With Bitcoin, the value of Airbnb is just the index of listing.
If you behave badly, you’re banned from the index.
Airbnb’s index is worth less because they curate badly.
The value is the index (discovery) + the reputation system (which is pretty inaccurate ime but is better than nothing) + consistent UX for booking.
These will get decentralized very slowly.
Exactly. The index and reputation is the brand, basically.
Airbnb can have brand competition. All competitors using the same checkout process (bitcoin).
No gatekeeping on payment processors increases competition so much
Since we have so many freedom maximalists in this space- i'm curious what the libertarian solution is to the inconsiderate AirBnB neighbor problem you've been having... seems like a really shitty situation.
I guess you could try to tank their AirBnB reviews... but that might result in even lower quality, noisier tenants?
There isn’t even a “statist” approach to take here given the court ruling I linked to.
The best plan I have so far is to make a big sign visible from their back yard:
Families are sleeping Please be quiet after 10pm
If my neighbor covers it, I’d print thousands of flyers saying the same and drop them off at the house every morning before I left for work.
More aggressive: program a microcontroller to activate a series of very high powered floodlights pointing at the backyard to turn on for 10 minutes when the decibel level is unreasonable past 10pm.
well i guess a different statist approach would be to try to appeal that court ruling...
sucks that you have to deal with that though :(
I’m just going to move … still have 6 months on my lease … going to survey the neighbors before I sign another lease in this area though.
ahhh also a good option. might be good timing if housing market finally starts to correct as everyone is predicting...