Does't exist. Seek out opposing views on the same topic. One red feed, one blue feed, one orange feed. Read even the stuff you deeply disagree with. The most unbiased view is having heard all the biased views.
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Actually it does.exist. Just you guys on the conversative right think anything that challenges your rhetoric is fake news and "liberal mainstream media." Sorry, but when the facts and data and statistics show that what you believe is wrong/untrue, then that's the truth. Data and statistics.dont have opinions.
If you want a truly unbiased viewpoint on global news try Al.Jazeera English/America. They have a reporter inside Gaza as well, one of a very few that do. They've been rated in the middle in terms of bias time and time again because they only report.the facts of the matter. They've been great on showing what's really going on in gaza and how Israel is knowingly committing genocide. Don't let the Arabic in the name.scare you..
I don't see myself as conservative right. I'm pretty liberal on all social issues and neoliberal on economic issues. (I'm a "woke capitalist" unironically)
Btw the data and statistics are overwhelmingly on the side of neoliberalism.
And Al Jazeera is pretty biased, it's literally a state-run media. For more objective news I'd rather consider like Bloomber, Wallstreetjournal or the BBC. But as I said: by a far margin the best you can do IMO is look at all sides. Look at far left and far right media and form your own opinions.
Recognizing the need for reliable news, one idea is a platform using Bitcoin Lightning Protocol to rate news articles for bias and trust. eg. However, it faces challenges due to the substantial manpower required to manage and verify news content.