Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Realizing that I might learn to fly next year or the year after.
Try to beat the view from a Cessna. Mountains are nice but still not even close.
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Close? I wouldnโ€™t want to get too close!
Hehe, nice way to read it lol
I donโ€™t know why any musician would fly thinking about it.
Not sure I understand. Why any musician would fly?
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Oh, I see, didn't know. But I would think they just did fly a lot around the world.
Talking about taking your chances over and over and so on.
So I think it's not about being a musician. It's about flying a lot :)
If you fly a lot, you might almost die a lot, lol
Until it's no longer almost
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I think I would risk dying for the view from the top :)
I think I was only a few times in a glider plane
But seeing the curvature of the earth ever so slightly
It's crazy and instantly addicting.
Hopefully I won't crash because I can't stop looking outside the plane and not at the instruments, lol
I haven't watched TV in a long while. But I'm on the road with time to kill, so I switched on the BBC news channel to see what's happening in normieland.
So far they've had: Immigration, why golf courses should be shrunk for environmental reasons, immigration, a rapid increase in shoplifting over the past year, immigration, the benefits of moving to a cashless society, immigration, an inquiry into the government's covid-19 response and how it can be even more draconian next time, and immigration.
Shit's depressing. I'm glad I found Bitcoin and SN. We may be wrong and some of you are complete schizos, but at least I have fun here. Appreciate you all (even the schizos).
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That moment when you are in another timezone waiting for the new Stacker Saloon to open :). A lot of noise with new territories, I need some kind of filters to focus.
This. I might repost this comment in the new saloon in 3 hours, lol
really looking forward to this week's SNL episode :)
4pm Texas Time CST still waiting for @k00b to upgrade his restream account to cross post on Nostr
also will likely be getting a sponsor in the next month or so, where should we place the sponsor ad genuinely interested in wondering what the stackers think?
if we do sponsor SNL it will be a company that I think is making cool stuff on bitcoin or we wonโ€™t take them on
also will likely be getting a sponsor in the next month or so, where should we place the sponsor ad genuinely interested in wondering what the stackers think?
What do you mean with "where"? Are you talking about placing it on SN? Or are you talking about a sponsor banner behind you somewhere in the stream?
sorry if I didn't give you time to update your reply, lol
basically where in the podcast should we place it after boring segment in bitcoin or at the beginning or at the end
Right before the cowboy streak segment, that's what everyone tunes in for so that's advertising gold right there.
527 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 7 Dec 2023
aahh, i see
i like when people mention the name of the company at the beginning in a very quick sentence, similar to what @kr does in his podcasts (even though I can't find a good example right now):
"This episode is sponsored by X. We're going to tell you more about them later."
And then you just do your normal stuff and then when it's usually a good time for a break, you can mention them more.
mentioning them at the end may be weird since i think less people are going to listen to it then.
maybe you can just pretend like it's another story of the week / one of your personal top stories you want to bring up but it's actually the sponsor ad? so something very "immersive"
the best ad is the one which doesn't sound or look like an ad. without not clarifying that it's actually an ad, lol
cool so the beginning makes sense ๐Ÿค™
hello, for some sat whales
start a territory for whistleblowing or whistleblowers and make it a safe and reliable place for whistleblowing, i know there is no such place in the first layer of Internet, but can make a place where small whistleblowing happening that wont create or invoke some demons over stacker news's back.
whistleblowing territory will be fun as Stacker supports anonymous posts.
spamming will be an issue while stackers can moderate always.
@k00b your input or opinion is much appreciated.
Whistleblowers are welcome at ~oracle, since PMs pay you for whistleblowing :)
Just create a prediction market about something veeery specific and then bet on the outcome with your insider information :)
Jk of course... Or am I?
The Pandora's box is already opened. Nobody will know what is going on on the other "territories". I like chaos/anarchy, don't get me wrong. Having more wild "territories" is just wild and @k00b already lost the "control".
I like it, because is all going back to my initial words... fuuuuck I hate when I am right.
The only sane and clean place remains the SN Saloon... change my mind.
I like it, because is all going back to my initial words... fuuuuck I hate when I am right.
Which initial words?
change my mind.
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Itโ€™s like a freeway pile up in โ€˜homeโ€™ at the moment. There are people running around naked, there are fire hydrants spraying water and a horse just chilling and eating the grass verge.
And then there's me selling PM pills and @DarthCoin does not want to take his medicine, haha
It will calm down. It has to calm down.
It always calms down... before getting worse.
lol, I hope I'm just kidding.
SN "home" is just pure madness... I can't handle it anymore... I will just stick with "bitcoin" territory. All the rest can go fuck yourself.
This most successful people on earth and beyond have one thing that makes them successful. Focus! Stay focused oh powerful Darth we need your focus!
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Sweet quote, my man.
Stars... Ronnie James Dio ... never dies.
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At this rate of new subs @k00b is going to have a balance sheet like Saylor in a year.
or he will just shut down all "territories" because cannot handle them. I hate when I am right...
Dude, give it time, lol
... I really hope I am wrong...
I really hope you do
This is his fault? Anyone have a boat? I'm going to need to talk to him
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read it an delete it don't wake too many shitcoiners. They do not deserve to read this message
Happy Wednesday!!! Sorry about the late message but had to help a fellow teacher with some hours, hope everyone is having a wonderful middle of the week, let's reflect on our success thus far and see if we are where we wanted to be, if the answer is not the one we're expecting, then let's change the process. I wish you all a phenomenal day and remember that you're a mother$#@# beast!!! You've got this and you're important!! Be well and stay frosty, let's finish this week strong!!
Realizing the Riyal topped out the day before Qatar visited El Salvador, then putting in fresh lows
Now we have the rumors of Qatar's sovereign wealth fund spilling into was preordained.
the $500B sounds like pure bs but fkn hell if not
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how'd you get the freebie post? bug?? or blessed
Loving the new categories here! It will be a fun SN day!
The best sane place I found is SN Saloon. All the rest of "territories" are getting pure madness. Really hard to read them all, so... fuck'em'all I will stick with "bitcoin" only
and I just realized that I'm too busy SN muting/ flagging, no time for nostr ๐Ÿ˜‚
I'm waiting to mute some of them ๐Ÿ˜‚
and yes, most of territories are full of noise, I guess many people still don't understand the difference between POW and noise ( ass-milking)
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I have been muting a lot today, and one of the interesting things I have noticed is that many of them are shitcoiners showing their true face.
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i will be making a post about this later.
with some toxic energy? ๐Ÿซก
hahaha I love this one.
id mute majority of them (if i had that option)
same, maybe 2-3 could be potentiality interesting out of all being created so far.
the whole point of laser eyes is Focus. all these territories are noise and distractions from my mission: Bitcoin
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no, I don't steal ๐Ÿ˜Ž darth shared it in public and everyone is fine to use them!
I am glad when somebody else is spreading my memes. I wave no rights over my memes. Everybody is free to use them.
did you do something to your territory? the cover photo is cool:) @davidw
P.S. White background feels so alien to me.
dark mode looks better, but I prefer reading in light mode โ˜บ๏ธ
Glad you noticed @Natalia. Some creative flair for ~privacy, although I'm sure it can be improved. Working on a post for there sometime tomorrow. Stay tuned
so cool!
stackers, time to decorate your territories! make it pretty and fun:))
@PlebLab / @Car set the trend with the image inside ~builders.
The dropdown cannot hold much longer.
can always raise prices... i suspect some will drop off naturally
Yeah once the novelty wears off most people won't renew. Communities are hard work even if we might make it easier in some respects.
sincerely... fuck territories (too much noise already), long live SN Saloon
I was thinking about that... not an easy task to solve.
We'll need a snazzy new dropdown search-a-magig and probably rank subs in the dropdown by GDP or something.
and a way to mute some of them, or atleast throw them in some other less important place
I was surprised to see this dude everywhere. I was like: "wow, this dude must really have the same interests as me!"
Now I finally clicked on their account and ... it's the account Github gives users which deleted their accounts.
come join us at ~news
Morning stackers. This is an exciting time to be part of this nutty adventure.
I'd be curious about early thoughts about territories -- my mind is kind of spinning by the implication of it all.
I respect people and the choices they make but I think this will be a great way to onboard potential maxis. I started my journey with Bitcoin and the transitioned into alts but eventually found my way back to Bitcoin. This was mainly due to educating myself which is why territories can be helpful to engage a larger audience and educating them on why Bitcoin and not shitcoins.
Morning Elvis. Said it elsewhere but think weโ€™re going to see many many more nocoiners on SN.
People need to be aware and mindful of this. That we are to help them along in their journey. That their interests alone in some of these territories will see to it that they stick around. Itโ€™ll be rewarding to see their journeys and contributions. And for the penny to drop.
Oh and thereโ€™ll probably be more value to come from curation too. Exciting times.
I think you're right.
I'm very excited for territories to get more moderating features. I know some people hate the idea (@Onions has made his thoughts on the matter clear; I think @DarthCoin, too), but I have the opposite take: I think the best possible implementation is one where territories can be as sovereign as possible, and a thousand experiments can bloom.
If I create one where I am a heavy-handed dictator with a particular vision, and I will smite posts that violate my vision, then people can select into or out of that vision -- you don't have to love Singapore, but you can't argue that it's not a well-ordered society. If you don't like it and want to live in Caracas, or Somalia, those options are mostly available to you.
I'm rarely sure of anything in life, but I'm sure that if the goal is to use btc to allow online community-building to flourish to maximal degree, one size will not fit all. If you believe in the marketplace for ideas, this is that.
I'm beginning to wonder if this whole territories concept was a good move after all.
History doesn't repeat it self, but it often rhymes.
hahaha That's why I do not create one "darth-territory" yet. I will be such a dictator as you said. And I love freedom much more than that. A "darth" territory , as I said, will be just a "red-only" territory. Why? Because I came to the conclusion that most of the people are really dumb. I don't fucking care if somebody get triggered or insulted, but this is the truth.
My opinion, visions, advice are TOOO STRONG and WILD FOR MAJORITY OF THIS CLUELESS PLANET. And I don't fucking care. Why? Because I came from the future and I have only one thing to say:
Hate me as much as you want, but in the end you will came back to my harsh words... I am always right. I hate to say that.
Day 235 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and 35 push-up(s).
Horse Stance: 2minutes 10 seconds
__@_'-' is in the building and keeping us entertained as always.
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A fancy hotel in Scotland...!
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Very excited to see how many lurkers come out the woodworks to share stuff now that we have more subs to dive into!
Much love to all lurker stackers
I want to be a lurker but I don't have anything to share. ๐Ÿ˜ข
ser i am confused, are you saying you dont want to be a lurker but feel like you have nothing to share? Or saying that you want to be a lurker? Lurkers by my definition dont post but read in the shadows, i would not classify you as that!
I find myself being a lurker outside of the saloon. I tend to comment only when I can add value. If I can't add value then I lurk and zap if the content is high in quality. Sorry for the confusion.
I dig your territory.
(Sounds like a pickup line, doesn't it?)
thank u elvis ;) got me crushin on u with that line
A โ€œsignatureโ€ is a โ€œsignโ€ that merely suggests the existence of something else not actually there โ€“ it is not evidence of substance and living capacity. Someone who makes a โ€œsignatureโ€ is an โ€œaccommodation party" in โ€œjoinderโ€ to an artificial legal โ€œpersonโ€ NAME, with Dead Status, serving as surety for the corporate national debt in the Admiralty Maritime Jurisdiction โ€“ the International Law of the Sea.
Whereas an โ€œautographโ€ is a graphic from your living hand as a sentient, flesh and blood man or woman โ€“ it provides evidence of substance and living capacity, which is why a thumbprint is the ultimate โ€œautographโ€ for a living man or woman. Someone who makes an โ€œautographโ€ declares that they are a sovereign man or woman, with Living Standing, in the Common Law Jurisdiction โ€“ the National Law of the Land.
I struggle to understand how people manage to come up with those fancy looking signatures. Mine just looks so bland, it gets very embarrassing sometimes. Lol.
the power of words ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€
I am impressed by your dedication to learn this very important stuff..... really impressed. You give me hope.
waiting for red pill being delivered from @lux everyday
fucking love Lux red pills...
Autograph ink is red (life), blue (sea), or purple (royal). Black ink indicates debt and death. For handwritten autographs, the declaration of Living Standing is more important than the colour of the ink, however a thumbprint autograph is always in red ink denoting your lifeblood.
Natalia, seriously now, I was literally in a court room. They force me to sign paper. And I said: please give am a red pencil to sign or I will not sign. Or I will cut my finger and sign with my real blood.
They shit their pants...
details details details!๐Ÿซก
no wonder I was kept being told to "sign my name" with a black pen, damn!
always keep a red pen with you... you will be so surprised to see their faces when you use it. They are fucking scared because they know is the truth. NOBODY can stand against the truth.
This image is fucking real (except the costume). I OWNED THEM in their own territory.
wow, I like that bass...
Okay, there is so much content on SN now, I really have to reconsider what I am going to zap and what not ...
My warrior princess Flits in and out of slumber So cute I could melt
fun fact
@saloon is showing up in earth ๐Ÿ‘€ cc @birdeye21
It must be a bug. It also appears in bitcoin territory but only with the hot filter.
hot = front page
and saloon always only on the front page because saloon pinned as 8th item on front page
so this confirms this theory of me, I guess
so yes, you're right, it's a bug since I am pretty sure that @k00b did not intend to do this, lol :)
edit: or wait ... not sure. it always showed up on the front page in any territory so that it shows in the bitcoin territory isn't actually new.
maybe that's a feature, not a bug? since that's how subs/territories did work all this time so far? lol
we'll have to wait for @k00b. i think he'll be here any minute now :)
maybe a feature not a bug? so everyone won't miss it ๐Ÿ˜‚
it always showed there actually :) it's not new, people just seem to notice now
really? I feel like @saloon only appears in home before ๐Ÿ‘€
yes, really, you can trust me :)
@birdeye21 just took SNโ€™s most precious unclaimed territory. Now the name makes senseโ€ฆ
drum roll ๐Ÿฅ so we all hanging in @birdeye21's territory now ๐Ÿ˜‚ wen serving food and tea?
Iโ€™ll have the charcuterie boards at the ready
Tea sounds awfully civilised, I must say. Iโ€™ll put the kettle onโ€ฆ
or maybe coffee but being made in sand? ๐Ÿ‘€ less civilised:)!
Ohhh, intentional?
not sure, maybe every post would eventually find a home / territory?
It's (probably) a bug. I think any sub would show the saloon if it reaches more than 7 posts on the front page since the saloon is pinned to be the 8th post. So this means that ~earth is the only territory so far which has more than 7 posts, lol
ohhhhhhh, call me bug finder ๐Ÿ‘€
you are right.
Some Stackers logging-on today..
I love posting on SN. Especially interacting with likeminded individuals in the Saloon. Sats are an added perk.
feels like a full time job here ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
Echo that.
When you feel more productive on SN than your fiat jobโ€ฆ @birdeye21โ€™s earth is healing
Just pilled one of the devs I've been working with! it's quite easy, as he's been fixing bugs for me and I assumed he is curious about what I do and read some of my articles, so I just ASKED and done, he agreed:)
And I'm still in the process of pilling one Airbnb host, which is a bit tricky since it's a family. I've known them for a while and often come and stay at their house and pay in cash; I attempted to pay in BTC before, but the parents prefer cash ( quite old ) - any stacker have tips on how I should try harder? ๐Ÿ‘€
tell them about and many other places where they can list the apartment for BTC (see
can try, and it would be nice if I can show the parent how Bitcoin works but I don't get to meet them in person, tricky.
also I heard Turkey is going to require a license for doing Airbnb from Jan, pilling opportunity!
Did you see the bull outside?
As sure as the sun will shine I'm gonna get my share of what's mine Harder they come, harder they'll fall, one and all
Once you give people freedom, it really helps to see the true face.
and a kind reminder: Others have the freedom to create anything, and you have the freedom to mute/ flag it - zapping the one you want to see the most, starving the ones you want it to disappear ( I believe I read this somewhere in the saloon before )
And waiting for @onions toxic post.
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okay I would be patient then๐Ÿซก
Music sub in full swing (pun intended) and today I found this #340394 the music sub has musicians and creators sharing their own works in it! And I honestly couldn't be more proud. Please head over and show @crrdlx some love and appreciation.
I would like to see musicians promoting their music on SN. Lightning has the potential to bridge all gaps.
We do have one that I mentioned above and I was so pleased about. Called Christmas Puppy by @crrdlx and there's also a crypto sea shanty they've done. I'm also really glad to see musicians promoting their music on SN via the music territory.
I was thinking of introducing SN to my brother. He's a musician but knows nothing about Bitcoin. He might not be able to speak the lingo but he might want to learn if he can use his music as a medium to learn about Bitcoin.
Why not? I can't even pretend to know lots about bitcoin but I'm learning, but you don't have to understand to begin stacking and if his music brings engagement and he gets rewarded in sats he'll have an incentive to learn slowly.
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I had to didn't I ๐Ÿคฃ the SN outlaws expect it ๐Ÿ˜‰
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Why is the 12-month solar calendar considered male?
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Fascinating! I never knew that. You learn new things everyday.
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lol, my starcraft 2 time still shows ... i was like what do you mean bio with crypto/block enthusiast? that's not a unit in starcraft ...
Since Buzz reminded me of space marines and "bio" is the name for a unit composition which includes space marines
1+1 stim timing attack or die ftw
LOL so fucking true
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In spanish whitepaper we can see "marcas de tiempo" (timestamp) and "cadena de bloques" (chain of blocks), the fact is when we see most english speakers call it blockchain, we assume is the correct word ๐Ÿ˜…
Tell me where you see the word "blockchain" on Bitcoin Whitepaper. I will wait.
Tell me where you can see "Not your keys, not your coins" in the Bitcoin Whitepaper :)
It's called being pedantic
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all I can think about is shitcoinery, not "cryptography". Most people feel the same way, it's really sad.
maybe the difference is just that i liked cryptography before i got into bitcoin. and we were using crypto all the time to mean cryptography.
my interest in cryptography probably lead me to bitcoin in the first place.
no they didn't. they hijacked your brain
i can literally use "crypto" in a sentence and the context makes it clear that i am talking about cryptography:
"let's do some basic crypto. we're going to use AES256 in CBC mode and then show you how you can attack this using a padding oracle attack."
and if it's not clear, the other person is at fault for not realizing that even the word "crypto" in "cryptocurrencies" stands for "cryptography"
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no ! --- timestamp network ---
it's "timestamp server" on the whitepaper, but he did mention the term "timechain" on the code. you can call it "chain" or "chain of blocks" or "proof-of-work chain" or whatever, i just hate the term blockchain due all the shitcoiners
So shitcoiners live rent free in your head? :)
Sorry, I'm just having fun, don't necessarily want to pick a fight
@ekzyis internally: fight me bro, 1v1, I'll rek u
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lol, you're right. the exact term "time chain" (or "timechain") does not seem to appear in the whitepaper
but i think @Onions was referring to this section:
and to be fair, @Onions did not say that "time chain" appears in the whitepaper. only that "blockchain" does not.
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"blockchain" is has been dragged through the mud and it's not mentioned on the code or white paper, call it whatever you want, that word just triggers me ๐Ÿ˜…
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well this one was definitely good, it reminded me of good old times, lol
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Price is looking pretty, pretty, pretty good.
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He was traveling, I believe. It might be throwing things off. Hopefully he didn't hurt himself doing pushups in a Starbucks bathroom on the road someplace.
Almost at 50% of the finish line.
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Wen snail tho. Can't salute snail without snail.
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True true. But also salute to respect the work. Everyday, stacking posts and press-ups. Tis a feat that should be shown respect, and a salute is a symbol of respect.
And always long way up short way down.