I just posted a photo of my daughter's gecko to seed my new pets territory. I then realized this can quickly get annoying for people who are only here for bitcoin related stuff. I guess the home sub will be used less as people focus on their specific interests more? What do people think? Maybe there will be a need to mute territories? (I know I'm hurting my own before it really got started by suggesting this!) BTW, why did it cost me 100 sats to post this?
Oh we plan to make seeing territories in home opt-in, ie subscribe/unsubscribe, but it is currently everything all at once.
BTW, why did it cost me 100 sats to post this?
We increased the base post cost in ~meta to 100 sats. Economic borders.
Great idea. I must say this is pretty exciting. I know you all have been working hard on this for awhile. This might be a bigger deal than any of us imagine.
We'll see!
We all know that Meta grew become a catch-all sub almost as soon as it started.
Now it's reverted back to it's ΒΏintended? use - to talk about Stacker News, people post for 100 sats?
This territory, for this reason, is really important. Can you talk us through your reasoning on this?
The reasoning of which part?
The 'higher fee to post in Meta' part.
Because it isn't intended to be a catchall and no longer needs to be a catchall. Someone can create a ~misc or ~catchall territory if they want.
The fee isn't crazy right? It's just enough to make you consider if a post should go somewhere else instead. If you report a bug or have a solid feature request in ~meta, you'll usually recoup the post fee and more.
So, it's to try and keep it for it's intended purpose?
Yes it's an experiment to see if it no longer attracts malinvestment.
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What happen with shitcoiners reputation if you flag them in your own territory? That will be a good strategy to catch them all with a fake post, make them say something and you just flag them to hell. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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I guess we'll see how it evolves. I like your idea. I almost created a sub called "shitcoins."
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Oh yeah. I may have taken our talk on the self censoring panopticon too far.
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Hillarious! Heard them.
I imagine personalized feeds were worked on before hand to address this, we will see how chaotic/smoothly this goes lol!
In part personalized feeds should help but the algo isn't aware territories exist yet. Even it was territory aware, I'm not sure that's enough control.
Once we ship account switching, I imagine stackers will silo nyms to certain topics.
Keep it up k00b :)
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It's simple: open a territory in each browser tab.
Darth territory wen?
I am waiting for some impersonator to take it first πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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I think the fee is working then tbh, you're not supposed to create a sub if you don't think it's worth it :)
You can also consider it to be an investment into SN since this is obviously the early days of territories where subs which might become huge one day are still up for grabs.
So if you think SN is going to blow up in the following years, you might want to reconsider if 100k/month just to try out a sub is really not worth it :)
mmmeeehhhh if you manage to have a good interesting territory, you can recover your "initial cost" pretty fast. Of course you need to do the math and see how fast.
memes would have success, the issue is SN doesn't show images unless you open the post, unlike reddit and other sites
Not yet :)
Territories which only allow images to get uploaded will essentially be image boards. I am really looking forward to this! Basically all kind of territories which introduce specific new post types or limit post types.