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I'll try to predict what @DarthCoin is going to say to this:
What, you think I care about any of this trading you guys are doing? You are just wasting your time. While you're busy losing your sats on stupid stuff, I am building my citadel with my own bare hands! But whatever, just means more sats for me. When will people finally see that they are literally trenched in shit while getting fucked by governments and banks and the MSM taking their turns while they suck each other off
Did I do well? To be honest, I don't think so, lol
But only @DarthCoin can tell!
edit: Oh, but regarding the bet: I think next year is going to be though, maybe the year after :)
@DarthCoin reading this: I'll show this @ekzyis dude how wrong he was... lol
lol, thanks, let's see what the original says :)
Maybe there is a little @DarthCoin in all of us :)
Btw, when did he start? This year or last year? It was this year, right?
Maybe there is a little @DarthCoin in all of us :)
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finally somebody is paying attention to my writings...
ohh, i see, you had insider information all along! lol
tik tok
next shitcoiner getting rekt while we're building the future
you had insider information all along!
no, I don't have, just paying more attention 👀
next shitcoiner getting rekt while we're building the future
what a spying APP and brainwashing the youngs!