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I wasn't that interested in Mainstream bands - if they'd have designed for Bowie, that would've been another matter... I'd have wrung every last story out of them. I believe that I was surprised to hear that they were likeable and down-to-earth. I think I was slightly disappointed to hear this - which puts me and my indie-band liking head in a bad light and not them.
I did get a bit more respect for the band, in maturity. Especially in respect of their longevity - this happened when I was in Italy on vacation in the Noughties. Another friend of mine who was living there tried to convince my skeptical side that Duran Duran were still huge in the country as I hadn't heard about them in ages. However, I had to believe him when he stopped to ask an Italian tween on the street ahead of us if he liked the band.
I didn't need to know Italian to see just how pumped he was for them.
Haha I know the feeling of musical maturity, when I was a kid if it wasn't metal it wasn't music. Anything lighter than Iron Maiden was soft and not real music. But nowadays I'll bang on opera, metal, pop, classical, indie, you name it I'll listen and appreciate the artists talent, even if I don't understand the music so much.
I'm glad to hear Duran Duran weren't douchebags from what you heard. It always seems to be better when bands are just real and not to-good-for-mere-peasants.
I guess us muddy peasants in the pit don't have the honesty of Rock Royalty. I've frequently caught ourselves discriminating with our ego in earlier years - like you, that thankfully isn't the case any more and embraced it all.
I remember shortly after the death of Hawkwind and Motörhead icon Lemmy, I was amazed to hear that he put the musical genius of Abba.
Maybe he lived by his lyric, "it's all the same to me".
It's doubtful that he was inspired by Abba's, The Winner Takes It All - but who knows... ¯_ (ツ) _/¯
Lemmy did seem like that dude didn't he someone l, who just appreciated it all.
At least in our older age we've been able to appreciate it, I still hear of many metalheads in forums and YouTube comments degrading one subgenre of metal saying that's not real metal or even real music. It's like, cmon guys listen to the artists, listen to the talent behind the sound, then suddenly you start to appreciate it all a whole lot more don't you.
In the immortal words of Henke Port - good music is good music.
Sheesh, that's pretty dire. Harsh words and tribalism are a social media staple though.
Glad we're not into to that kind of mindset anymore...
As an aside, although I didn't see Lemmy perform.
I did once go to a very Hawkwindesque gig with the late Nik Turner and band and Hawkwind's dancer Stacia (body painted of course). They performed after a screening of Michael Moorcock's film adaptation of The Final Programme.
I see Lemmy described Stacia as 6 ft 2 inches (188 cm) tall with a 52 inch (132 cm) bust and a bookbinder by trade.
I can verify that what Lemmy said was correct - all I could think that night was, 'Boy, I bet she could bind some books'.
I was fortunate to catch motorhead at download and they were excellent. Didn't disappoint at all.