Sheesh, that's pretty dire. Harsh words and tribalism are a social media staple though.
Glad we're not into to that kind of mindset anymore...
As an aside, although I didn't see Lemmy perform.
I did once go to a very Hawkwindesque gig with the late Nik Turner and band and Hawkwind's dancer Stacia (body painted of course). They performed after a screening of Michael Moorcock's film adaptation of The Final Programme.
I see Lemmy described Stacia as 6 ft 2 inches (188 cm) tall with a 52 inch (132 cm) bust and a bookbinder by trade.
I can verify that what Lemmy said was correct - all I could think that night was, 'Boy, I bet she could bind some books'.
I was fortunate to catch motorhead at download and they were excellent. Didn't disappoint at all.