Am I legarded? I don't understand :/. Why the hate on previous advertisers?
Because he’s virtue signalling. Pretending that he wants to represent the average pleb. When really he wants everyone inside his ID’d panopticon paying fees, subscriptions and using his app for payments ala WeChat.
Advertising model is dead. For businesses that earn 80% of their revenue that way, they will soon earn 20% or less. Retail sales are going to fall through the floor. They arguably already are.
Payments is the new business model. For that reason he doesn’t care about advertising. He is also using stronger language each time he talks, getting to believe he is for free speech. When forcing people to identify themselves, to deplatform or silent-censor later.
I don’t hate Elon, he has contributed a lot, but I far from trust someone that wishes to sit at the fore-front and control many different industry verticals all at the same time. He is driven by ego and adopting early trends, he is not driven by altruism IMHO.
He deplatforms and misidentifies organizations and people on a whim. And then cries like a little bitch when called out.
Thank you for your kind words. Lmao.