I know he wrote it but no, I haven't read it. I remember reading about it years ago. He talked about consuming a plant to cure cancer, right?
apricot seed, and I would like to go to the Hunza Valley in Pakistan one day, to see how people eat in their daily life and is it really no one get cancer there, but then I guess maybe also have something to do with stress level, water and air quality.
I ate these for quite a while after putting dried Hunza apricots in my porridge in the mornings.
I thought I'd found a hack to get 'free' little almond-like nuts out of the kernel (they tasted quite almondy)
I later discovered that the almondy taste might be due to the amount of natural cyanide in them and stopped.
Then, months later, I had a senior moment and started to do it again - stopping for good this time.
Not sure if there is a health risk - just a heads up to all and sundry to do research before copying anyone - whether they're 92 or just frugal & dumb like me!
Keeping healthy is way more important than anyone can imagine.
Edit: I do have dozens of health problems - and I do mean dozens...