I am in the same process of running my own node etc just have to sit down and learn all the details etc. I'm currently like halfway from setting up my stack and ya still feel like its a long ways to go but good luck on your journey and I'll keep check back on this to see what all I can learn and contribute bet of luck !
Thanks very much. I already got a lot of help today and realize how much I don't know.
same here same here tomorrow I'm gonna sit down and knock it out doesn't look too hard just have to put in the time and energy proof of work haha gonna literally wake up and begin working on it will give me something to do for the day and educational at the same time tbh the end result looks so satisfying :) where r u at on your node if i may ask i have to provide liquidity to mine and yeah thats about it match up with another node also
I guess we're all looking for inbound liquidity. I need it too.
theres a website you can go to to find other node runners to open a channel with I was just looking at it the other day will send tomorrow when I use n set all my stuff up!