I am asking for advice: I am a technically challenged boomer currently running a Lightning Node with Umbrel on a Raspberry Pi 4, like lots of other people with my limited technical abilities. I have enjoyed learning about the process, and have put in a lot of time trying to build my node. My fear is that as my commitment in time and money grows, I am relying on the Pi4, a tiny, inexpensive piece of hardware. So far, so good, but I'm nervous that I have no redundancy set up, and I wonder whether a more robust computer might be in order. I also worry that if my hard drive fails, I will need almost a week to download the replacement hard drive with the whole block, at which time most of my channels will have already closed. I have considered keeping a back up hard drive up to date in case of problems, and I have also considered a set up like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9fSMGkjtug I'm really looking for advice and wondering what solutions more experienced node runners have come up with.
For hardware options, take a look at my previous post #30655
I just did. Thanks.
Considering what you'll spend on a RPi4 setup, there are better computers than that.
Search for mini pc, or even second hand. You'll be better served.
Thanks for the info. This is what I'm looking for. If you run a lightning node, do you worry about redundancy?
If you're refering to data redundancy, yes you should worry about it. You can read into RAID storage setup. These mini-pc setups might not be the best option for RAID, as you need multi-storage capable hardware.
It depends on the amount. If you have upwards of 20M sats of liquidity then I think it's worthwhile spending some money to have a raid setup with hard drives (or ssds), a UPS is a must, no matter what and an extra standby pi ready in case something goes wrong. I believe an RPi is really nice and sufficiently powerful device to run bitcoind and lnd, but please, DO NOT install anything else. I repeat, nothing else, if you are really serious. Bitcoind and lnd is enough load for the raspberry pi. I would suggest you keep your hands away from the "app store" that umbrel provides. At max you can install 2-3 more small tools like RTL/Thunderhub to manage your node. The lesser software bloat you have, the lower the attack surface and the better your Pi's fate - an unforeseen vulnerability in docker or npm, tor or any other piece of software could lead to bad situations where the attacker has control over your node, so keep the attack surface as low as possible. And even after all this, remember, it's not the hardware that might cause loss of funds but could be some nasty vulnerability in lnd. Remember it's still a beta software, let's not act like it's a super robust piece of software, and even though it's being used by so many users and companies, it is still prone to zero days and can result in loss of funds and the devs themselves mention:
As of this writing, lnd is still in beta and it is considered #reckless to put any life altering amounts of BTC into the network
Obviously this doesn't mean you don't explore it and utilize it; it's just a caution to keep in mind to make you more informed about the risks, so that you take good care and don't do reckless things with your node.
Thanks for this comprehensive reply. You gave me a lot of information. I am running a UPS and I have a standby pi and hard drive. I am now a little worried because I do use lndg app from app store. I know I could accomplish the same thing through the terminal, but I lack that proficiency right now.
As I said, it's ok to install 2-3 more tools that need to run along with lnd. Not more than that. Tools like lndg, thunderhub, RTL are obviously hugely convenient tools, but that also means that you expand your attack surface. Security comes at a cost of convenience and it's up to you to decide the trade-offs and accept lower convenience for higher security and evaluate for yourself if the loss in convenience is worth the gain (how much ever it maybe) in security.
I'm in a similar position. As far as I know, the bottleneck on the Pi is the USB connection to the SSD. I bought a second hand thinkpad i5, 8 Gb RAM for 130$. It has dual storage capability for RAID, new battery as backup, it will only be used as node. But for now I'm learning like a maniac, just installed CLN and learning to use terminal, linux and the barebones of it all. I recomend for learning https://www.youtube.com/c/402PaymentRequired/videos and https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/lightning-node-maintenance?s=r
A UPS is a more critical piece of hardware that will save you from 90% of the problems you'd encounter.
SHTF guide. Can restore to Blixt while building new node. https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/umbrel-btcln-node-shtf-scenario
Thanks for this link. I will keep it handy.
I am in the same process of running my own node etc just have to sit down and learn all the details etc. I'm currently like halfway from setting up my stack and ya still feel like its a long ways to go but good luck on your journey and I'll keep check back on this to see what all I can learn and contribute bet of luck !
Thanks very much. I already got a lot of help today and realize how much I don't know.
same here same here tomorrow I'm gonna sit down and knock it out doesn't look too hard just have to put in the time and energy proof of work haha gonna literally wake up and begin working on it will give me something to do for the day and educational at the same time tbh the end result looks so satisfying :) where r u at on your node if i may ask i have to provide liquidity to mine and yeah thats about it match up with another node also
I guess we're all looking for inbound liquidity. I need it too.
theres a website you can go to to find other node runners to open a channel with I was just looking at it the other day will send tomorrow when I use n set all my stuff up!
A raspberry pi is a solid piece of hardware.
Maybe it would make you more confident to use a rugged aluminium case off Amazon? 😂😂
But seriously, the most important is that you have your 12 or 24 words written down and very secure. Then the hardware can fail without you having a panic attack
I use a nice flirc with the built in heat sink.
You should gain more expirience with (Linux)-Servers before running a LN.
So are you against the whole umbrel ethos of getting less technically inclined people to run a lightning node? As an aside, I loaded linux (easy gui ubuntu distro) and used it for about 2 years, but finally couldn't deal with the struggle of using various software for home/work. I have no experience on the server side.
yes. you have to be able to handle the server.
Consider using runcitadel over umbrel.
Umbrel does not have a proper FOSS license.
Most of the early innovatord/developers for umbrel have moved on also