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YEEEEEE HAWWWW ::pulls out revolver and shoots six rounds into the air wildly::
Just kidding, i'm not reckless with firearms nor do I need to do shit like that to make me feel 'free.'
Absolutely not. That right there is a minimum of three felonies and I don't commit felonies.
Pew Pew...
Pew Pew Pew...and another Pew, just to make extra sure I hit my target.
There are quite a few cultures around the world that fire into the air to celebrate. The first new year I really remember was when I was around 9 years old and pops let me fire the 30-06 off a couple times.
We don't do that anymore, by the way. We buy colorful explosives like regular folks. ๐Ÿ˜