Was it paypal again?! Also, this is just more data/validation of my argument regarding the volatile and expensive tx fees that don't exist on other, more user-oriented blockchains..
Shitcoiner go back to your centralized AWS coin
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more user-oriented blockchains
Like what? :)
If you call him shitcoiner, he'll say funny things like we're all right wing extremists, try it, lol
But the eighty-three bitcoin fee would have never happened if they would have transacted on a blockchain where they didn't need to worry about setting a fee high enough to get them included into the next block..
And just to be clear, I accidentally gave you those 10 sats, and I'm spending 10 more just to specify that no one is agreeing with you
Shitcoiner go back to your Centralized AWS PoS (Piece of Shit) shitcoin
Ripple isn't centralized. There are a lot of other cryptocurrencies that aren't centralized. But I'm sure in your little sheltered bubble where you refuse to look at anything that challenges your narrative you weren't aware of that.
XRPs consensus mechanism is based on trust of few validators. It's centralized.