Look, I will explain it to you in simple terms, because seems that you don't know how this "elections" thing works, for centuries, not just now.
ANY "elected" head is there not because got x votes, but because somebody else, higher, decided to be there.
You are really a fool if you believe that your vote matter...
It's all a theater, everything politicians do is a theater, because they know who will be elected. Even if he's playing the role of "I am against agenda 2030" they let him do play that. Overlords NEED to control the both narratives so they can fool better the masses, playing them with 2 sides.
I survived 20 years of communism, pure dictatorial regime and I had friends inside the "apparatus" that told me how they play the masses. I saw real documents of training agents. And they told me: this is no different than what are doing in the other countries so called "democracies". It's all the same playground: control the masses with fictitious 2 sides.
We will see how Milei is going. If he really prove what he says, first thing will not be dismantle the central bank but declaring all taxes over. Taxation is theft and from there is coming all evil.
@remindme 5 years
I saw real documents of training agents
wow, a real playbook? 👀