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You keep posting this retarded fucking link thinking it's proving your point, it's not.
For fuck's sake, they're using a DAILY "DCA" versus a "lump sum and hold for 3-4 years" comparison. No one is buying Bitcoin daily and considering it "DCA", first of all, the fees alone on that would be ridiculous. Secondly, the price variations day-to-day combined with making a smaller purchase amount on a per-day basis are OBVIOUSLY going to have a smaller return versus purchasing a larger amount on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis (combined with the larger variation in the BTC:USD price).
I'm not even going to waste my time writing out the math on this. There's a reason why the person who posted that twitter link you keep spamming the thread with, disabled replies to their post.
So no, how about YOU learn some basic fucking math?
You sound mad. Relax?
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