Do people want to bet if I'll be able to release a MVP of until 1st December 2023?
We could make a prediction market about my prediction market 👀
I need to write down the features that should be included in this MVP first though
I'm willing to bet 50k sats that I'll be able to do it. See how confident I am. lol
Yeah more information needed bro.
But I would almost certainly take the bet just to support you and prod you a little bit. :)
I'll try to get some frontend mockups for the individual pages. Shouldn't be too many. And add some explanation what you should be able to do on every page (functionality).
Also helps me to reduce feature creep :)
But I would almost certainly take the bet just to support you and prod you a little bit. :)
Appreciated :) I see this more as something symbolic. Also, would be interesting what kind of bets people would be willing to take. Bet 1 sat to win 100 sats? So 100x profit? This would mean they are really confident in me, lol
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The funny thing is, in a prediction market, I could also say how much I expect to win per share.
So it could be that I'm willing to lose 50k sats but only if I can win 100k sats.
This would mean I think the odds are 2:1, so just 33% confidence.
(I hope this is right, I sometimes still get confused with all these transformations between confidence, price per share, odds etc., lol)
I think it largely gets confusing because "win" is used in two different ways.
In your example, winning 100k on a 50k bet means you walk away with 150k,
Sometimes, though, winning 100k just means that's what you walk away with, so that would be 1:1 odds on a 50k wager.
you're right. i knew it wasn't well defined but i was too lazy to distinguish, lol
how would you say it? to gain 100k? or just "to make 100k profit"?
I would probably say "gain", but I'm not aware of there being any consensus on this terminology.
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software seems to be never done though :)
Oh, btw, related thread: #319004
Lol. No bet. My sats are staying where they belong: under my mattress.