When I lived with my grandfather, we had a small kitchen house heated by a wood stove. Once he got to his 80s I started taking over chopping wood in the winter. He was a veteran from WWII, Darby's Rangers 1st Ranger Battalion. Hard to tell someone from his generation to go sit down and let someone else do the hard work.
I think the older generation was built differently compared to the lazy asses of today. Social media and to be fair, the internet has completely f**** the youth of today. Majority have been consumed with shitty trends that has no real world benefits. I'm glad platforms like SN exists at least. The only places on the internet with sane people.
He was of a tougher generation.
The "Greatest" apparently. What a time to be alive back then. Was going to post a fun fact here but I'll put it in the Fun Fact Friday.