Learn where your weakest spots are, and invest time there if you truly want to be free.
  • Food? Famine is a well test strategy to make people obey throughout history; Learn to grow your own food or at least have close contact directly with farmers.
  • Income? Many people's income is tied to one job, but being too dependent causes miseries - Learn how to offer value to others and build small projects, diversifying your income source.
  • Place to live? Find 1-2 places OUT of your home country, and make sure you have a peaceful place to live when SHTF.
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I have been experiencing with solar power for the past few days: no sun, no hot water. 😂
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Yes, I went to a village to experience off-grid life to see what skills I lack 😳
  • getting raw milk from cows next door
  • picking fresh veggies from the garden
  • heating with wood
  • solar power for hot water
Surroundded by flowers, birds, mountains, and stars at night.
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maybe life is a circle
you edited the comment!
is Turkey or wherever you are, big on the solar power?
the area where I'm in: remote villages - yes, cities - no.
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