Hey, Travel a lot with a camper and used several similar services,
Is really necessary to have an automated barrier to be open with a special code or something?
Depends on the size of business and the honor system of the place. Legally, in Spain, you can have like a couple visitors without licence. If you plan to have 10 vans you need licence and then an automated system is good so you are not a slave of the barrier. In some places the honor system works, so the barrier can be manual.. You know those business in Holand you can pick your stuff and pay without the owner being present? Where i live the business would be out of stock in 2 days with no cash to be found..
Is really necessary to pay for use each kind of service ? (water, shower, electricity etc) Or is better to be included in a total price per entrance? Are already devices to be attached to these services and "pay to use" ?
Two packages are the best. One with basic parking and other with water and electricity included. wi/fi is a nice ammenity. Yet, if you have room for few vans, just go for 1 all/in pack and try to get the high price for the few vans.
How can be controlled the in/out of the vehicle, let's say if they pay for 2 days but they stay 3 days. Manually going to each car, every day? How does this work?
Probably any parking access control can read car tags. When you have a Credit Card on file you can charge later if anyone is trying to scam. With btc this is harder. For few vans a manual control is enough, for more vans use a camera software to read tags.
How would you organize the payment process with Bitcoin? What solutions you would use? Remember that each client should pay to a specific address (LN or onchain) and/or add as comment their car ID or something to be identified, so the owner could identify each payment easily. Displaying a QR code on each parking lot would be an easy solution. But if you have any other ideas, will be welcomed.
Ask for prepaid on chain or the QR on LN is also good. One way to protect agains scams and if the company is legal, is to invoice like 1 EUR in credit card. Legally, if they scam you, you can invoice them on the Credit card. I understand the idea is not to use CC or Fiat but you still have to cover your back., The 1 EUR would act like reservation and warranty they wont scam you.
About the apps, Caramaps is also growing a lot.
Thank you very much for the reply! Indeed many good info you gave me. So there are scammers among campers... I thought they are more like good people.
Did you know many campers that are willing to pay upfront with BTC/LN ?
The Camper family is weird.. You have a lot of regular families, and you have a lot of freeloaders. Bitcoin is not wide spread in the camper culture, but is growing more and more, Regular families with kids for example are more prone to reserve and pay for a reservation, Surfers are more prone to park near the beach with no schedule because the good waves chance place. Montain climbers just park near the mountain.. heheh
Usually people are good.. Yet, the honor system does not work equally everywhere.
Since Camper culture is growing a lot, if they market this business a Bitcoin friendly im sure a lot of people, like me, would be interested. This being said, i would be a bit reticent to do an on/chain transfer or even LN if i wasnt 100% sure the business exist and is legit. With so many scams around.. Probably would do it without thinking only on my second visit or once i arrive the place.
What about paying over LN when you arrive? What is wrong with that? You see the place that is not a scam and pay with BTC/LN scanning a QR code at the entrance or at the parking lot. I think paying over LN is better than onchain. Is not a big amount too. I think the scamming will come more from the campers than from the owner. Or are you talking about booking the place before you arrive?
Are mobile apps for booking directly, at least making the reservation, not payment included? This guy doesn't want to have a webpage, just using apps to list his place and take the money at arrival.
Oh no,
The minute i see the park i would pay with LN in a second, Even on chain.
I was refering to pay with btc like a week before without previously being there once.
So many scams to take away your bitcoin, even references can be fake, So, i would wait until i get there to pay the first time just to be sure they exist
Yes, is also in owner's advantage not using intermediaries as pre-payment platforms. Only P2P over LN payment or cash in hand.
On a side note, One form to attract more people that dont have a van, is to buy some old vans with no engine and have Rooms (vans) to rent along with the oparking space. This way, you dont pay any mechanical services or taxes since the vans are not road legal. You can buy them vwery cheap since no one want a van with no engine. Way cheaper than a bungalow and you dont need almost no permits to park an old van in your land.
This is just an idea for a extra service. Some people dont own a camper van and want to experience it, Others are just passing nearby on car and need a place to sleep.
Way cheaper than buying bungalows to rent. You can fix the interiors of the vans yourself since they arent road legal,
Ah no this guy want only a parking for caravans, not a camping etc. There are a lot of regular campings for tents, bungalows and stuff like that around. Only needed is a parking dedicated for auto-caravans and services for refill etc.
Sounds good. If he do it remember to let us know :) Since i have kids my travels are very short now, But kids will grow.. Also, with kids now i always search for this services.. Before i would park anywhere i could..