On a side note, One form to attract more people that dont have a van, is to buy some old vans with no engine and have Rooms (vans) to rent along with the oparking space. This way, you dont pay any mechanical services or taxes since the vans are not road legal. You can buy them vwery cheap since no one want a van with no engine. Way cheaper than a bungalow and you dont need almost no permits to park an old van in your land.
This is just an idea for a extra service. Some people dont own a camper van and want to experience it, Others are just passing nearby on car and need a place to sleep.
Way cheaper than buying bungalows to rent. You can fix the interiors of the vans yourself since they arent road legal,
Ah no this guy want only a parking for caravans, not a camping etc. There are a lot of regular campings for tents, bungalows and stuff like that around. Only needed is a parking dedicated for auto-caravans and services for refill etc.
Sounds good. If he do it remember to let us know :) Since i have kids my travels are very short now, But kids will grow.. Also, with kids now i always search for this services.. Before i would park anywhere i could..