I think some of them are abominations, but not every one of them.
Someone was pitching tweaking the tournament next year to use some form of target scores. I like that particular idea, but also more generally, it would be very cool to experiment with different game formats during the tournament.
Who is going to win this FG contest tonight?
It feels like the Jets. Their defense is the best unit either team has. If we don't give up a defensive score, though, I think the Raiders will win.
I can't believe the Jets are only up three. It's felt like they've been better on both sides of the ball.
Yeah Jets D is great but they can't seem to score a TD to save their lives so just need to get the rook some time to throw and keep getting the ball to Davante. That one handed catch with Gardener draped all over him was incredible.
Maxx and Davante are probably the two best players on the field and Carlson is definitely the best kicker, so I'm feeling a little more hopeful.
It's hard to get used to all the flags being on the other team.
Crosby is so good.