Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
I believe i am near the end of the health rabbit hole since i am now at a point where im inadvertently learning about fecal enemas.
It was an experiment where they took poop from healthy humans, homogenized it and put it up someone who had gut inflamations behind. And it worked. The person showed signs of improvement almost immediately. The fancy term is "Fecal microbiota transplant".
What a crazy experiment. The moral of the story is that your microbiome is important (and a healthy micro biome requires plant fiber. Sorry carnivores.)
That moment when you realize that @hn has been wasting 10 sats per post since @rleed added a text input for link posts.
So @hn could have used that all the time instead of paying 10 sats for the comment, lol
Oh, and that moment when you realize not one person is waiting for me to create my next very long and complex search query to find fascinating people but two, actually!
I have @Natalia in mind because of the SN rewards blog post I mentioned several times on here already and @nemo regarding a blog post about anonymity and privacy
Maybe I'll even start to interview people to get some inspiration for my blog post about privacy, lol
It's still just a draft with only bullet points I want to mention or think would be good to mention.
And the reward blog post is so far just this. I am clinging way too much to the code currently but I tried to at least add charts to make the code more tangible. Obviously, this is just a draft and I may change everything. Also, I want to post this one directly on SN, not only as a link to my blog. So the introduction may be left off for posting on SN.
I'll probably just do another technical blog post first to close the huge gap between my posts. Was thinking about disk encryption.
I notice it's hard for me to write about stuff where there isn't a clear answer like to technical problems.
Disclaimer: I work at Stacker News so I have no problem if you don’t trust my words here [0]. I even encourage you to confirm whatever I am saying. I might have gotten something wrong even though I am trying to make sure to double-check anything I mention in my blog posts.
def would verify 😆
And take your time, @Natalia is having some adventures.
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I have chosen to let her lie.
Do you usually pick her up and bring her to bed?
That is her bed!
Oh, so it was about you going out with her?
Sorry, maybe I am overthinking this "I have chosen to let her lie" too much, haha
Yeah. I was kind of joking. There's an English expression "let sleeping dogs lie." It means if something could potentially be a problem, don't stir it up.
That one goes back to Geoffrey Chaucer. Did some long distance walking together in my younger days… meet a few characters lol
Ahh, I see, thanks! TIL
Are you still thinking about getting a dog?
I definitely am :)
Dude leave the milk alone 😫
Lol had stomach pains
Seen this error message 3 times today trying to reply to a post.. anyone else?
(Reload of the page seems to fix it and reply goes through).
Just right now or earlier?
testing (worked here)
Occurred earlier was when I was trying to comment on other people's posts... got the error, I hit reload, tried to reply again and my comments went through. 🤷
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i am become social media founder whipping post of anon
@k00b is our chief whip, it has been verified
When I see people posting about Bitcoin price, I always go to Amazon jungle to onboard the local people, but I found out that people have another problem towards hyperbitcoinization...
You get bitcoin at the price you deserve...
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Found out that it’s okay to sell our AI-generated images and promptly set up my online stop on Can’t wait to have fun at Nightcafe and generate more images that are related to Bitcoin
Going to the Georgia Aquarium with my sons. It’s their 1st time in Atlanta!
Why so quiet here? 👀 okay, food porn of today - Denizli kebab:) soooooo good, it's ranked among the top five kebabs I've tried!
also you eat this with your hand 😋😋😋
Tasty! Lol I just flew to Alanna. Time for some southern soul food! I’m from the Midwest
What a beautiful sight, would love to go there someday.
feedback: it's quite easy to hit the current limit 👀 @ekzyis
Ohh, so you posted this picture individually to only pay 100 sats for this one, right?
Thanks for the feedback!
so you posted this picture individually to only pay 100 sats for this one, right?
I post this so to show you it exceed the current limit easily.
Oh, yes, lol, I see
Somehow I believed you wanted to post this as a part of your image series but to not pay the full fee for all images, you put one image into an own post to save fees (as mentioned here)
But this is just an image to show the fees, so not part of your image series, lol. I must have gotten confused somehow.
We can definitely bump the limit up. You seem to be at 100 sats per image already, so already between 50MB and 100MB per day.
So maybe we'll just start with fees at 100MB? But that's a lot imo. With 10 free accounts, you could already upload 1GB per day. So maybe free until 50 and then 10 sats per image until 100MB? Damn, getting the balance between UX and security right is hard, lol
I wonder if other services don't even think about this and just let everyone upload as much as possible for free until something breaks or shows up in their monitoring, lol
You seem to be at 100 sats per image already, so already between 50MB and 100MB per day.
but it's quite strange - they are normal photo from phone, each one should be 3-5 MB? 🧐
So maybe free until 50 and then 10 sats per image until 100MB?
let's try? I have many new stocks waiting to do the test:)!
Karahayıt'a da gittin mi? 😉
Hayır, orası güzel mi?
Evet, sıcak su çok daha boldur. Ve güzel oteller var. Hemen Pamukkale'nin yanındadır.
Why I see @birdeye21 in your pictures?
on purpose - we need to be free like a bird 🦅
don’t be doxxin me >:( that was my chill spot
haha, noted - happy to leave you alone.
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quite touristy/crowded there, but the trick is to walk a few more meters down, then wow, no one! I guess not many people are willing to do the work/walk 😂
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down the hill it was almost empty, and you could have a peaceful footbath, yet the rest of the people are posing for photos right in the entry - it's like they are there but not quite there.!
@siggy47 it was supposed to give food to raccoons not guns...
Trash Panda is armed and very dangerous…
Ahh thos is so cute.
When the time comes, everyone must do their part.
... or is your secret defense against your wife? 😂😂😂
I just imagine this armed raccoon together with @nemo the chimp with an AK-47
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Happy Sunday funday everyone!! Hope y'all are having a relaxing and recharging weekend, time to plan how the upcoming week will be and how we are going to get profit out of it, if last week was not as fruitful and productive as you wanted,, then, now is the time to try a different approach and see what happens, remember that you are the creator of your own reality. If you think you're successful and feel it, you will be. Take note that successful not necessarily means just have money and wealth, successful is when you achieve your goals. Try small goals or small steps towards a greater goal. Once that is reached, get a new one, never let stagnation overwhelm you or don't let it take over your life. All is motion, always forward. We've got this my friend, remember that you're awesome and all that you do matters, if someone hasn't told you lately I will. Thank you for existing and thank you for being awesome, you are worthy, you deserve success, all your goals are there for the taking, as Nike would say: "Just do it". Take reign of your life. As always, be well and stay frosty. You are loved and appreciated my friend.
If I get one coherent sentence typed up this week. I'll hit my goal. Two and I'll have doubled it.
You just did, congrats buddy!!
Just do it? I want to say ‘Just done it’
If it's done, then off to the next goal... Always have a goal and always forward. You've got this my friend
You got it. One step at a time.
It is known.
Walk into splintered sunlight Inch your way through dead dreams to another land
Day 211 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and 11 push-up(s).
Checking in with the __@_'-' before turning in for the night.
Yes, gradually then suddenly! We’re all getting there!
Always good to see the snail…. Onward!
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Quick guide for your small merchant friend

@Car you asked @k00b in the last SNL what solutions are available today for a small merchant (coffee stall) to being able to accept Bitcoin quickly, without any hassle.
So what I suggest is the following scenario.
  • keep it simple in the beginning, don't over-complicate things for a newbie. Let them discover step by step all the solutions available and that way they will learn more.
  • inform them about the differences between custodial and non-custodial solutions. Sometimes a custodial solution could be useful as a decoy for receiving payments (as I explained in this guide). Withdrawing periodically from a custodial account is strongly recommended. A non-custodial solution sometimes involve more knowledge and capital allocation.
  • depending on each merchant business profile, recommend the more suitable solution for them, not for your taste. Your usual BTC/LN wallet maybe is not the perfect way for a merchant, so try to put yourself in their situation and how they operate.
Here I would list some solutions that can be used (I tested myself):
  1. CoinOS - web wallet (Tor supported), PWA supported, custodial / non-custodial, integrated swaps, PoS, LNURL, LN Address, onchain / LN payments, no KYC, fully anonymous.
  2. IBEX Pay - web and mobile wallet, custodial, swaps, PoS, LNURL, web lightning merchant page, API, here is a very good video tutorial and more tutorials on their webpage
  3. Blink Wallet - custodial, LN address, PoS webpage (very good for employees), merchants map, circles, easy to use, open source developed by Galoy team.
  4. LifPay - custodial, LN address, Lightning page, easy to use, no KYC
  5. LightningTipBot - custodial Telegram LN bot used with Zeus or Bluewallet app, LNURL, LN address, many other features
  6. Alby - custodial browser extension, LNURL, LN address, can be imported into Zeus and Bluewallet app and used as a regular LN wallet.
  7. Phoenix / Breez / Electrum mobile wallet - non-custodial, opening channels fees involved, swaps out are needed to empty the inbound channels and be ready for the next day.
  8. Blixt / Zeus / Mutiny - non-custodial, full mobile LN node (neutrino), LN address, channels management, LSP, swaps out are needed to empty the inbound channels and be ready for the next day.
  9. Nodeless - semi-custodial, auto-widrawals to your own wallets / LN address, full set of features for merchants with seamless integration into webshops, solution based on BTCPay server.
  10. Use an "uncle Jim" Lightning Bank, as I explained in this guide - we need more skilled node runners to play the role of a "uncle Jim" LN bank for their local community and offer these semi-trusted solutions.
  11. Bitcoinize - nice PoS machines, connected to many funding sources, NFC enabled, printing receipts.
I hope this quick guide will help you with your local small merchant friend.
Thanks for this! I’ll show him this list this week when I see him.
Is this in order of preference, would you say?
no. The order is random, how I just remember the solutions.
What a day… whose round is it? Must be mine then!
we are living in a strange world - there are so many crying babies who keep complaining about stupid things while living warm and comfy, and yet there are people who spent years mastering a skill yet need to do a fiat job to support their crafts.
I hope Bitcoin will create a more equitable system for makers and craftspeople. And allow more people get fair value for working at their true passion.
I just had a press conference and was very short.
This is actually kinda funny.
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