A few things to consider:
  1. Hardware wallets fail in tropical weather
  2. Hardware wallets have leaked their customers' physical addresses in the past
  3. Don't take their words, roll your own with diceware/ rolls.py
  4. Consider yeticold or seedsigner or TAILS/Electrum
  5. Avoid having SPOF, unilateral control over your main savings; Create spatial, temporal, social friction
  6. Don't use "duress passwords". They incentivize violent coercion.
Some other useful resources for references.
10x Security Bitcoin Guide
How to store bitcoin without any single point of failure. https://btcguide.github.io
Border wallets
Wallets Recovery
What kind of tools would you use for step 5?
"Avoid having SPOF, unilateral control over your main savings; Create spatial, temporal, social friction"
I think this has more to do with your personal protocol than with tooling. Everyone has differing circumstances and skills. (Spatial/Temporal) Find a way that forces you to travel in order to construct a transaction. Words or Hardware are in multiple geographic locations. (Social) Find a trusted friend or relative or lawyer or third party key custodian to validate your safety and intentions before signing. Make certain all this is documented. Practice.
Don't use yeti cold lol
6 - how do they incentivize violence?
Duress passwords are a known tactic. If an attacker thinks you use them, they have the incentive to beat them out of you. You'll find real world examples of this in Jameson Lopp's Known Physical Bitcoin Attacks Best to not have unilateral control of your funds and be ready to prove this to your attacker.