All, 100%. The rough criteria to receive them? Consistently posting good content/posts/comments as judged by other trusted users. We use a Web of Trust algo to determine user trust.
Who is "trusted" for initially seeding the algorithm?
Eventually, I suspect users will be their own seed and see their own feed based on who they trust.
Probably pick like the top 5 stackers of the day, seed based off that?
It's trickier than that. How do we determine the top 5 stackers without establishing trust first? We'd have to "trust" that they're the top 5, but we can't.
Everyone trusts themselves, they are a singularity of trust to themselves, so that seems like a more natural seed.
I was talking about distribution.
I see. Currently we redistribute even to users who contribute non-top content even days ago, just less.
Oh, okay. Also.. will there ever be a better way of doing these long reply chains?
I'd love to make them better. How do you recommend we do them?