I think that the language you are using and the straw man arguments are from some trauma you may have experienced as a prisoner. I hope I'm wrong. If that is not the case then the psy-op is goading participation in the death cult jubilee. It's ok to admit you are wrong. That's the whole point of this post is that I'm admitting I was wrong and I feel better getting that out in the open.
You are showing fear that someone is leaving your church and you want him to stay so that we can drink the cool-aid together. The fact is that government literally is Mind Control. That's what the word means. Voting is the act of acknowledging that the Fiat Church is in communion.
It's a lie. Even the word money (Mon-eye -The one, all seeing eye is a talisman of faith in Fiat (declaration by some douche-bag). It's fake.
I'm not saying that there is no monopoly of violence. There most certainly is but I'm not playing their game of go along, get killed, kill and/or pay for some human sacrifices. Voting is voting for which humans the uniformed assholes will be able to sacrifice to the one-eyed god.
No one has harmed more humans than those who ware the uniform, paperwork and rites of government.
No one has harmed more humans than those who ware the uniform, paperwork and rites of government.
True words