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I'm 53 and yesterday was the first time I didn't vote since I was old enough to vote. I used to be optimistic and brain washed but I don't believe in any of the fake government religion anymore. It's a monopoly of violence with red team and blue team holding up the arch.
I don't fault anyone else who is participating. I'm not doing it anymore. There is a very small minority of people who can do what they want and they want to be in control. There is another minority of people who are ungovernable.
Bitcoin kind of allows us to see the other side. It's a measure against the money religion. For me the way out is a mixture of internal and external. There are plenty of traps too. The traps are the circus tent set up in front of the mountain of truth. Natural Law is camouflaged.
Too many people think they have a duty to "stay informed" and "their vote matters". So they spend 100s of hours a year consumed with the current thing just so they can cast their ballot with confidence.
Getting the "correct" group of people into the broken system is not going to make your life any better.
You can improve your own situation 1000x more effectively by ignoring the clown show and focusing on what you can control.
i never would have guessed voter turnout was on the rise, i thought for sure people were voting less than ever before
You've got to factor in that historically most people didn't have the right to vote. Women only got the vote in the 1920s, mandatory (and often discriminatory) literacy tests for voting rights only abolished in 60s, big disenfranchisement in the post reconstruction era etc.
You can also map the suppression of unions (which gave working people direct means to improve their working conditions), with the shift towards the idea that "only your vote matters".
It was a deliberate narrative shift to persuade people they shouldn't take direct power, but hand it to federal representatives on their behalf.
The founding fathers of America probably intended for voting to be an activity for "right bell curve" citizens. Over the centuries, voting has been opened to more and more "middle and left bell curve" populace.
Now, voting doesn't matter and the game is all about lobbying, which is a "right bell curve" game. But with less transparency than a ballot box.
Agree, lobbying is to the right on intelligence, to the left on ethics and totally behind the scenes
they spend 100s of hours a year consumed with the current thing just so they can cast their ballot with confidence.
But taking 10 hours to try to learn the very basics of Bitcoin is too much for them of course.
This is great! People who don’t know anything about the issues or candidates shouldn’t vote anyway.
If you know how Fiat currency works then there is no point in voting for who will increase the money supply.
I didn't vote yesterday either. I'm not quite there yet with you, but I'm close.
Wow, I couldn't have said it better. And to be honest, I've never ever voted in municipal or national elections. In my country, it is honestly no use to vote, corruption going on here.
A state will exist whether you vote or not. The state is.
Ultimately, abstaining is just another form of virtue signaling. It's self-stroking as being above the fray, serving only to provide cover for the avoidance of social risk in taking a controversial position on anything.
It's capitulation to weakness and apathy to adopt this mentality as part of one's identity over the long term. This is why adherents are incels of both the economic and family variety, because it's the easy option when you have nothing at stake.
The point of voting is to apply social pressure on the incumbent to be either harmless enough that they don't lose outright, or capable enough to get away with rigging a fake election. There's always an opposing shadow government looking for an opportunity to take over and even broken elections provide a foothold for this yin and yang balance.
We're at the phase (turning?) where they are neither capable enough to get away with rigged elections as they lose outright. 2024 is going to be a spectacular shit show that makes the fake pandemic mail-in voting scheme feel like a picnic.
Apathy is a psyop, parties are fake, news is fake, the money is fake, and there are no coincidences. The WW3 behind the scenes all correlates with the death of the currency and the rise of a white hat pro-Bitcoin shadow state.
The point of voting is to apply social pressure on the incumbent to be either harmless enough that they don't lose outright, or capable enough to get away with rigging a fake election. There's always an opposing shadow government looking for an opportunity to take over and even broken elections provide a foothold for this yin and yang balance.
The illusion of choice my friend. There are usually superficial differences in the "two" candidates but it is exceedingly rare that they aren't both controlled by the power elite. What you are saying is akin to saying someone that isn't a Catholic doesn't attend mass because they are virtue signaling. If one doesn't believe in something, in its validity or morality why would one participate. When something is considered a virtue by the majority of peers it is pretty understandable to discuss it in a place where it isn't considered an abomination.
Vote or don't vote but don't kid yourself. Neither are apathy. Its about belief and clearly you believe it matters more than those that do not.
Nope, that's what the psyop wants you to think so you stay on the sidelines.
True there are no parties, and true that "candidates" are first selected by elites before they can be elected.
Elites are not a monolith. Each party has its mutineers. There are competing interests as with all things. Some are more aligned with you than others. Some are openly hostile to you, others may see you as useful in various ways. Both are susceptible to pressure.
Not voting is choosing not to apply pressure, lying motionless as you are consumed by predators that don't care if you have opted out of being eaten.
Non-participation is a larp, you're in this with the rest of us buttercup.
doesn't attend mass because they are virtue signaling.
Bad example because atheists are the most cringe virtue signalers of all. Everyone believes in something, when you decide you don't believe in you are inherently replacing it with something else.
There is no vacuum, so you better face reality, sharpen your elbows and take up some fucking space.
Voting is just one form of action. If you believe it is significant, more power to you. If all you do is vote and you think that is making some sort of difference I don't know what to tell you.
It's a proxy for participation.
I agree that it is inadequate by itself, but that doesn't mean that doing of nothing is a serious position.
Bitcoiners are uniquely qualified to go cause a scene particularly in local settings and shake up the clown world. The people running your town/county/state are losers and dumb as shit, so go get in their face and make them uncomfortable.
LOL, not voting does not equal doing nothing. You are generalizing. Doing nothing is doing nothing.
Do what you believe regardless of cultural pressure. Build wealth. Build community. Build resilience. Vote with your time, talent, and treasure. Real power is not in checking a box. Its not a huge sacrifice to vote so if you think it makes a difference by all means join everyone else and vote for one of the two candidates that you disagree with.
Bitcoin is hope not democracy.
Now if you want to try to convince me to vote in a local election I might be more inclined. Local politics can make an impact. But I would say get involved in making your community better first.
Its not a huge sacrifice to vote
Exactly, so vote and force them to cheat. Then catch them cheating.
I spend a lot of time refusing myself, reading books, learning about history, learning about money and economics. I also build things with my hands and work on the water. I work with a lot of different people. The real human action is outside of politics.
I even served in the Virginia Army National Guard for 5 years. I'm not ignorant of how the government works. I'm not that far from DC. I guess so I have to say it's that what I know reaches to the top and they are so corrupt that playing their game only extends the pain.
If you look at Washington DC from the Lincoln Moment on a map to the East you will see that is an occult playground.
Congress has fascii flanking the chair of the speaker. Lincoln at his memorial is resting on the fascii. None of this is accidental. The Washington monument is the eye of Horis on the pyramid. If you claim to know the issues then why not understand the machinations?
Participating in the clown 🤡🌎 is delusional for me. For someone else it might be fulfilling.
I like meeting and working with other people, doing business and making their lives better. Having humans who are corrupt control the other humans is stupid.
Here's a nice video that explains the truth. https://youtu.be/ngpsJKQR_ZE?si=c1fODygXH9wLWS9z
It isn't about cheating. The game is the illusion. To keep us focused on these clowns. Make them irrelevant to your life. A politician only seeks to make themself needed so they will always be "fixing" crap that doesn't need fixing. The whole structure is set up with bad incentives.
You are making a huge assumption. You assume there is someone I want to vote for. There isn't. Also, I do not believe in democracy as a valid form of government. I do not wish to further give validity to this system by participating in it. That's why I used the Mass analogy. I do not believe in the god of democracy. I get all that you are saying. You sound like a younger version of me :)
I was hard core into politics and making a difference for years. I watched both parties say they would change things... and things stay the same. At least the things I care about. At some point I realized its all a distraction from what really matters. Your own life and building something better. We won't change this system. It has to be replaced. Bitcoin is a huge part of that.
That's not in opposition with my stance.
I want to make it as hard for them as I can.
so why do you support voting any of their same side ? by voting them, you are making their game.
No, psyop'ing people into not voting is their game.
If anything they'll try to cancel 2024 with martial law and power outages.
I think that the language you are using and the straw man arguments are from some trauma you may have experienced as a prisoner. I hope I'm wrong. If that is not the case then the psy-op is goading participation in the death cult jubilee. It's ok to admit you are wrong. That's the whole point of this post is that I'm admitting I was wrong and I feel better getting that out in the open.
You are showing fear that someone is leaving your church and you want him to stay so that we can drink the cool-aid together. The fact is that government literally is Mind Control. That's what the word means. Voting is the act of acknowledging that the Fiat Church is in communion.
It's a lie. Even the word money (Mon-eye -The one, all seeing eye is a talisman of faith in Fiat (declaration by some douche-bag). It's fake.
I'm not saying that there is no monopoly of violence. There most certainly is but I'm not playing their game of go along, get killed, kill and/or pay for some human sacrifices. Voting is voting for which humans the uniformed assholes will be able to sacrifice to the one-eyed god.
No one has harmed more humans than those who ware the uniform, paperwork and rites of government.
LOL. You are giving them to much credit.
So what about all the get out the vote campaigns? What about all the social pressure to vote. What about being taught how important voting is in every state run institution. If their psyop is getting people to NOT vote they have some odd methods.
So lets say you get all of us to vote... who are we voting for and why? Do you want us to vote for Trump, Biden, or someone else. What if they don't win? Then what? I can't believe you are still arguing about this. You are trying to convince people that believe the state is evil that we should lend our support to it by following its religious practices.
Have you ever heard of dropping out? Here's another way to think about it. Its not why I don't vote but its some people's mentality. Withhold your vote until someone is worthy of it. Many people hadn't voted in years that supported Trump for example. Maybe if enough people stopped voting it would draw in different candidates? I mean, I realize these criminals do not represent me so this doesn't matter to me, but plenty of people are not in my position.
The point of voting is the provide the people with the illusion of choice. Its to pacify them into believing that the government is by them and is thereby legitimate. When you vote you are adding your voice legitimizing the existence of the state.
Now, the question remains should you vote to defend yourself. That's a personal question. I do not believe that is an effective means of defense. I reserve the right to change my mind on that but I have yet to see evidence that it is worth my time and attention.
You're arguing against a point others have made, not the one I've made.
31 sats \ 1 reply \ @td 8 Nov 2023
You get to choose. Your situation is the classic libertarian dilemma.
Better to be in the tent, guiding/moderating it's direction? Or don't engage at all and the lunatics can take it wherever they like.
Making populace disillusioned with their political system is classic "colour revolution" playbook.
If you look at the history of civilizations the money changes, the names change, the geographic locations change and so many other things change. Change is how natural law works. I'd rather be in line with natural law than participating in mind control exercises.
Oddly enough we are all here now after millions (billions) of years of life. This I look upon as amazing. With Bitcoin we are shifting to math, electricity and the free market while the Fiat Earthers parade around their temples of human sacrifice.
It's not a good place to be (the temple of death and sacrifice). It's better to be out in the sun producing value and making a system that is easy to participate in and it's deflationary without being innumerate.
Bitcoin kind of allows us to see the other side
true words
As much as I can relate to this, I don't quite understand the benefit of not voting vs voting for someone you actually think should be in office, even if it's third party or a write in. I'm not saying there is NOT a benefit, I just don't see it, and am open to the perspective here.
To me, it seems like voting third party sends a better signal than not voting at all... And even if you think the whole thing is fake, deciding not to participate doesn't have any practical effect (at least from what I can see - again, open to opposing views), whereas continuing to participate in democracy on any level at least has SOME potential to encourage change, even if it's minuscule.
EDIT: I'm also generally very skeptical against this kind of message - there have been instances of social media pages and forums that gain credibility among a specific demographic, and then begin encouraging users and followers to abstain from voting. It's a common malicious tactic used by other countries, and likely by people/groups here as well, and we should all be very wary of it.
The thread that I see I am sharing with others. This is the same as if I've made a recipe. With regards to systems I've concluded that my energy is better spent not funding systems that are unskillful. From 1988 to 2021 I have voted.
Now that I see how Fiat currency works I can not see respecting any of the three branches of the United States government, State / Commonwealths and local elections. All of these are based on the religion of Fiat currency. Not only do they tax me without permission but they also practice fractional reserve banking by giving cheap money to their friends while I have to earn it.
Judicial branch, legislative and executive all get paid from the same system. States have to confiscate wealth in order to pay for their programs. Meanwhile the deep state works for very few people.
When we no longer support the mega programs then the markets will open for value for value and not scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.
I'm curious about your response to the simple rebuttal:
One of the candidates is getting voted in with or without your vote. You're just choosing who you would prefer to take the seat. Why not continue to pick the person you feel is best suited for it? Even if they're not on the ballot.
You don't end a regime by refusing to vote. But you can literally move the needle in the direction you feel is best by voting for the person you think is most likely to push us in a better direction.
It's all fiat currency mind control. Again, if you find this activity fulfilling then you should pursue it. I find it as a waste of time. I'm interested in working for a monetary system that decentralizes power. Central Planners create problems to justify their existence.
That just doesn’t really answer the question - voting and being pro bitcoin are not mutually exclusive.
111 sats \ 0 replies \ @kr 8 Nov 2023
i’ve never voted, don’t plan on it either.
For all you who take this position think of the 2nd amendment and the NRA. Millions of Americans support the NRA and no matter how much death and destruction guns have brought to modern life I can still go to my local Walmart and buy a shotgun.
Why? Because the NRA is a powerful lobby and it’s almost impossible to repeal the 2nd amendment and even after that states right can still protect your right to own a gun. Just a single issue backed by people who tells the state no you aren’t taking my gun.
Same with drug use. People in Colorado put their finger in the DEA’s eye and made recreational marijuana legal.
This idea that voting doesn’t matter is ridiculous. Then you come on SN and complain about FinCen and you actually think mixing your bitcoin on samurai whirlpool is your opt-out.
As with anything you get the government you deserve. If you hate the options then run yourself. Gather support start the bitcoin party and become a single issue voter.
I understand your position. I'm just sharing my practice. Being able to buy a shotgun from Walmart is good but being able to buy it from anyone is better.
Also not asking for permission from the Daddy State is morebetterest.
Yeah I can see your point but I think we are always in a constant battle of privacy and security. Evil and good
I am 53 as well and I always vote local, in other words I find out my local reps, specially the Sheriff and the judges. Sheriff since it has more power than any President from Washington and has equal footing to the state governor so not even the governor has more power than the local Sheriff. And your judges come in handy when deciding things like sentences etc.
If it's fulfilling then that's what you should do. I'm not getting those feelings. I'm working on my relationships with my family, coworkers, customers, close people and plebs.
When I started voting I didn't care at all and just followed what my parents said to do.
The year after I did the same, but their opinions completely changed.
I didn't care back then and I don't care now, I just leave it blank if I have to or skip altogether.
This entire process is not an Election, the word you looking for is a Selection. As in, to SELECT from a pre-determined (not by us) list. How many movies do you need to watch to get it...lol (e.g. Billions, Succession, etc.) :-) Sad but true....
Hegel Dialectic
  1. Predetermined problem
  2. Reaction (doesn't matter)
  3. Solution (You were going to get it anyway.,)
The biggest mistake we make is thinking that there are others who would never do X. There are psychopaths who are attracted to these power positions and "Govern me harder, Daddy." just turns them on.
I voted only once and it was under peer pressure, that made me decide I will never vote again in my life, so I haven't voted ever since.. and yes, I AM PROUD OF IT! 🍻
i dont' vote anymore either.
Direct bribery is much more effective than voting. Doesn't matter who's in office. They will do the bidding of their biggest donors.
Old school.
It was 7pm before I even realized it was election day lol. Welcome to the club buddy.
I share the same sentiment. The UK elections are approaching and I don't see the value in choosing between the Red or Blue party, as it is the same old story with different faces.
Initially, I had decided not to vote, but now I am considering voting for an independent candidate. I know it may not make a significant difference, but I want to see if it would encourage others to rethink their decisions when they see more people voting for independent candidates.
"The traps are the circus tent set up in front of the mountain of truth. Natural Law is camouflaged." Well said!
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