You get to choose. Your situation is the classic libertarian dilemma.
Better to be in the tent, guiding/moderating it's direction? Or don't engage at all and the lunatics can take it wherever they like.
Making populace disillusioned with their political system is classic "colour revolution" playbook.
If you look at the history of civilizations the money changes, the names change, the geographic locations change and so many other things change. Change is how natural law works. I'd rather be in line with natural law than participating in mind control exercises.
Oddly enough we are all here now after millions (billions) of years of life. This I look upon as amazing. With Bitcoin we are shifting to math, electricity and the free market while the Fiat Earthers parade around their temples of human sacrifice.
It's not a good place to be (the temple of death and sacrifice). It's better to be out in the sun producing value and making a system that is easy to participate in and it's deflationary without being innumerate.