You are making a huge assumption. You assume there is someone I want to vote for. There isn't. Also, I do not believe in democracy as a valid form of government. I do not wish to further give validity to this system by participating in it. That's why I used the Mass analogy. I do not believe in the god of democracy. I get all that you are saying. You sound like a younger version of me :)
I was hard core into politics and making a difference for years. I watched both parties say they would change things... and things stay the same. At least the things I care about. At some point I realized its all a distraction from what really matters. Your own life and building something better. We won't change this system. It has to be replaced. Bitcoin is a huge part of that.
I realized its all a distraction from what really matters. Your own life and building something better.
It's not an either or. People really around self-made candidates.
If there's no one electable options on your ballot, that's your fault for not putting one on it.