Complex apps = native, ok Anything else = pwa, is the way to go
SN is just text and links, i don't think it's worth the effort to create a native app. You already filtered half the mobile users (iOS) by being a native app that can't go on the app store.
Complex apps = native, ok SN is just text and links
I don't know if you are a developer but if you look closely you see that stacker news is starting to get quite complex.
You already filtered half the mobile users (iOS) by being a native app that can't go on the app store.
Apple is only that strong in the US market. The rest of the world uses Android.
... i don't think it's worth the effort to create a native app
I like building things for the sake of curiosity, learning and/or having fun. I love to build useful tools. That is my God given talent and I must use it for His glory! Of course, I can't waste my time so I need to choose my battles wisely.
EDIT: fixing typos
EDIT: fixing typos