It's sad to see how people fell for the PWA dream. It started maybe 15 years ago with big techs giving people the illusion that web apps where the future because they where small, simple to distribute and update and easy to develop because html+css+js=supereasy.
It seems that people are still not only falling for this fallacy but also advocating for the demise of native apps.
Don't get me wrong. I'm all for simple html sites and I use many of them daily. I also develop them. But when things start to get more complex, I think it's time for a good old dedicated native app.
Complex apps = native, ok Anything else = pwa, is the way to go
SN is just text and links, i don't think it's worth the effort to create a native app. You already filtered half the mobile users (iOS) by being a native app that can't go on the app store.
Complex apps = native, ok SN is just text and links
I don't know if you are a developer but if you look closely you see that stacker news is starting to get quite complex.
You already filtered half the mobile users (iOS) by being a native app that can't go on the app store.
Apple is only that strong in the US market. The rest of the world uses Android.
... i don't think it's worth the effort to create a native app
I like building things for the sake of curiosity, learning and/or having fun. I love to build useful tools. That is my God given talent and I must use it for His glory! Of course, I can't waste my time so I need to choose my battles wisely.
EDIT: fixing typos
EDIT: fixing typos