I'm old enough to remember the original Bakkt hype. Their massive capital raise and partnerships with soybucks and the NASDAQ were a huge win that Bitcoin "needed".
For weeks after their launch, trading volumes were reported on daily as retards saw any negligible increase as a ramp. Well you can infer by now how irrelevant it turned out to be.
The CEO, wife of a NASDAQ guy connected to the state, within months jumped ship to run (failed) for the senate and revealed herself on stage as a total bimbo several times in the process.
Now years later, a worse version of Lightning Address and partnership with Mr. 15k/mo custodial Lightning API (who's simultaneously paralyzed in fixation over fake Israel-Palestine news on twitter) is all of a sudden relevant?
What an absolute clown world.
Say a prayer for the clowns whos capital went into this company and not a real Bitcoin project.