I'm old enough to remember the original Bakkt hype. Their massive capital raise and partnerships with soybucks and the NASDAQ were a huge win that Bitcoin "needed".
For weeks after their launch, trading volumes were reported on daily as retards saw any negligible increase as a ramp. Well you can infer by now how irrelevant it turned out to be.
The CEO, wife of a NASDAQ guy connected to the state, within months jumped ship to run (failed) for the senate and revealed herself on stage as a total bimbo several times in the process.
Now years later, a worse version of Lightning Address and partnership with Mr. 15k/mo custodial Lightning API (who's simultaneously paralyzed in fixation over fake Israel-Palestine news on twitter) is all of a sudden relevant?
What an absolute clown world.
Say a prayer for the clowns whos capital went into this company and not a real Bitcoin project.
Bitcoin already has utility. If people want to think of it as a speculative asset that's their problem. Lightning is already being used for remittances, payments, and even trading.
The article makes it sound as if Bitcoin needs Bakkt, but that's clearly not the case.
LOL this is how normies will be fooled into this crap. Bakkt - "We believe in a secure and regulated approach" crypto custodian (aka shitcoiners) Lightspark - Paypal hidden hand to get into bitcoin world and keep alive the fiat scam. aka another shitcoiners
How many times people will get rekt by these scammers?
Amazing how we forget this guy was from Facebook...