I would like to see Bukele paying for his groceries with Bitcoin. Does somebody saw him doing that? They said, "lead by example", right?
hey @k00b what about inviting Bukele for a SN AMA ?
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I honestly think, El Salvador adopting Bitcoin is a publicity stunt which has worked great for the country. Didn't the president say they will buy some Bitcoin everyday. There's absolutely no proof he went through with this promise. And now the selling Volcano Bonds. I'm curious what's everyone stance on Bitcoin adoption in El Salvador.
I don't really care how much BTC the ES gov is buying. That is meaningless. I care much to see people using it.
That's true. But are regular citizens using Bitcoin to buy good and service? I would love to get my hands on some stats to be honest. At least El Salvador is a case study for the rest of the world. Bitcoin adoption does bring some success to any economy and that's a fact. Hopefully Argentina is next.
Nope, Argentina will be not be next. Argentina will be just another dollar slave, using tethers and stableshitcoins. Nigeria, instead have more potential.
But what about this pro Bitcoin presidential candidate in Argentina. He's promising to adopt a Bitcoin standard once elected. Maybe he's just using Bitcoins popularity to get the Bitcoin vote but who knows, he might just follow through just like El Salvador.
2024 will be a big year and countries will jump on the bandwagon for the sake of not missing out. Or maybe I'm completely wrong and 2024 turns into a shit show.
Please stop repeating what internet propaganda says about Milei. He is NOT a pro Bitcoin, he literally says that want to dollarize Argentina. He's a puppet anyways.
2024 turns into a shit show.
"What is Money?" in Argentina with Ariel Aguilar - La bitcoineta (WiM387) https://fountain.fm/episode/fad3NxcxvwYVgqHCDFuc
The no coiners wake up during bull markets. It's a fact, whether we like it or not. ES began adoption at the beginning of a bear. Usage may kick up in ES as the number goes up. We can't underestimate greed and jealousy. The average person will want his or her piece.
This is a valid point. We have to give the country credit for adopting Bitcoin during a time when sentiment wasn't high.
I doubt how much he's actually know about Bitcoin, happy to be prove wrong!
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I agree. I wouldn't underestimate his knowledge about it. It's fair to question his commitment.
It's fair to question his commitment
and his real why 👀
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It doesn't matter how much he knows. You don't need too much knowledge of Bitcoin to use it. Just a fucking wallet. he can even use Chivo, I don't care, but at least to show to his people, how they should do it.
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hahahaha in fact "bukele coin" exist in form of those chivo dollars
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LOL! What politician buys their own groceries?
Lol. That's funny but true. I think they definitely have people for that.