not OP, but i've visited a couple of times. it's definitely cramped in terms of space and some neighborhoods (shibuy, akihabara) might fit that definition of, "an attack on the senses" because of the sheer volume of people and signage, but overall it's a very clean, modern metropolis.
i had an internship in chicago right after my first time in tokyo and the transition back was...horrendous. tokyo was way cleaner, safer, and quieter, and it made chicago seem like hell on earth.
I still can't understand how there's no trash cans - but also no trash anywhere.
Everywhere was completely spotless!
We loved it, and want to return, but next stop, Berlin (yes, I'm serious). I'm a big Eno, Iggy and Bowie fan - and love to look around the Bohemian and Bitcoin places.
Yeah the no trash cans thing was weird! I remember my friends and I kept talking about it. Our best guess was that the people just held onto it until they went home or something
Find the nearest convenience store like 7 Eleven to dispose your rubbish. That’s what I always do haha
Plus, yes, even in the very heart of Tokyo - the world's biggest city - it does feel incredibly safe there.