I don't think you even need that. I'm thinking a 3 of 7 multisig between friends and family. Extremely unlikely for someone to be able to hack exactly the 3 phones right?
It depends on what the purpose is of such a system. That means any three of the 7 can conspire to take the funds without consent of the other 4. It seems like a terrible idea to me, but maybe I don't understand the purpose.
Ideally, they wouldn't know what the other parties are. The purpose it to simplify access to your funds in a secure manner. Single-sig is obviously out of the question. Having HW seed signers at home is weak against fires. Having HW seed signers distributed in several locations is slow and costly.
What do you suggest?
Depends if your family or friends turn on you.
You need to think deeply about all the potential problems. Perhaps friends that don't know each other & in different countries
Exactly! I'm envisioning they getting a notification like "@2bithits wants you to sign this" then they click "Sign" and BOOM! New tx signed. Because this is a seed signer not a wallet they wouldn't even really know much about your UTXOs.