@DarthCoin with fiatlink we're trying to simplify no-kyc onramp for lightning wallets at the moment, not sure where the sin is in trying to make it easier for ppl to get bitcoin and make lightning easier to onboard into
The onboarding must very simple: pay them in BTC. From there, they start using it as money. Buying / selling BTC it will always be a nightmare and will keep fiat alive. fiat must die.
When the CBDCs will be in place (soon), all these on/off ramps will be totally useless. So you are wasting your time and money building these now. We must focus on how to pay people in BTC and they spend in BTC. That's all.
I'm not a fan of the on-ramp services myself despite using one at the moment (Spritz), but as long as those who use them use Bitcoin natively more than they use a VISA Bitcoin card or a Bitcoin-friendly bank like Xapo (no disrespect to them, by the way), it's a necessary evil in a world where Bitcoin still isn't at the level I feel it should be.
Both VISA and MasterCard suck massive balls, but VISA sucks slightly less. God forbid these services were on MasterCard...
total number of people.
current number of bitcoin users.
problem to solve,
And how, pray tell, would Breez get random users to get "paid" in Bitcoin? If Bitcoin is the inevitable and obvious choice after economic collapse, eventually everyone will get paid in Bitcoin (or a Bitcoin derivative). Why force individuals to wait for their employers before getting into Bitcoin, and miss the opportunity to convert their fiat now (before it's devalued)?
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