Honestly, I didn't grow in an environment that I think obviously would've inevitably sent me down the rabbit hole. Didn't grow up in communism. Fairly stable family life. Not very techy, geared more towards arts. I picked up music from a young age, that stuck with me ever since.
Not exactly a lot of overlap between bitcoin and music (for now...hoping to help change that at some point..)
One thing I think set me for the rabbit hole though was being instilled with a strong sense of independent thought. From a young age I learned of the importance of this.
A less emotionally-intelligent version of myself would let that get the best of me...thought I would go into politics at one point (LMFAO - as an "independent thinker"). I was always a contrarian thinker, just with misapplied energy.
Bitcoin unplugged me. Truly was a Matrix-like experience, as much of a meme as that may be. I finally was able to apply my natural lean towards contrarianism in a much healthier, conducive way.
What about yourself? I know that everyone's road to Bitcoin probably comes from a combination of sources, but what are some key takeaways from your childhood that you think brought you to bitcoin so early?