Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
5% interest rates Looming global recession Normies are skint Bitcoin pumps
Prepare yourselves for the most hated bullrun yet.
Bitcoin is dancing and now so am I!
been a while since we had a god candle.
Have you noticed that every time that someone writes something like "love it or hate it" it's always mostly referring to the hate part?
I think they're trying to say they hate it in a nice way
Backlog grooming, I like it
Just pilled one restaurant to accept BTC because I didn’t have enough cash with me, fun 😂
wait, could it be a new trick?! go out to eat or drink and pretend you don't have enough cash to pay, thus " forcing" the owners to accept BTC? 😂😂😂
Nice I convinced my friend to download blue wallet and accept BTC for his birthday gift today!! One person at a time!
I like that idea. If he doesn't accept, then you can always explain that you had the fiat. You just wanted to conduct an experiment to see if its possible to pay with BTC.
strangers typically love when you experiment on them lmao
hahha! yeah, all win in the end.
Imagine more people started asking if could pay in Bitcoin, business owners would eventually be smart enough to add it as a payment method.!
Win win, indeed!
I think from now on, before I pay for something I will ask if I can pay with BTC. I might be able to orange pill a few businesses this way.
Maybe sometimes all it takes is to ask - do you accept Bitcoin? 🤓
could be a good strategy too, but depends of the level of intelligence of the owners. Well done! One at the time...
but depends of the level of intelligence of the owners.
and openness to try new things!
he was quite uninterested at first, but then I said it takes less than 1 minute to create a BTC address, and with all the inflation now, accepting Bitcoin is way better; he then started to be curious 😆
don't forget to send them the link to my guides....
you might need to translate them into Turkish 🤓 I would see what I can do more too.
I can make you contributor to my substack and you can start translating them. But I am sure many merchants in Turkey can speak /read English.
But I am sure many merchants in Turkey can speak /read English.
maybe a few merchants in istanbul can speak English, outside of istanbul, not much 😂
calling @oraltosun how's adoption in izmir?
I see a lot of people aware of crypto money. But they've no sense and knowledge about Bitcoin. Unfortunately, Bitcoin ownership is behind the altcoin ownership. @Natalia
I’ve had to much fun on Stacker News this week. Is that possible?
Kid got some mild poison ivy over the weekend. Even with, outdoors is good!
This is the way.
Living in Bitcoin standard teaches you many things:
  • never do things at the last minute, because most likely you will end up paying more fees when you're in a rush
  • only being able to spend what you have, you would be more mindful about spending; not like using credit cards - you can even spend what you don't have or pay little attention to the price
  • always prepare, think one step extra - you're the captain of your ship!
  • build long-term relationships, especially with people whom you trade things with
What else did you learn?
  • patience
  • test before run / use
  • simplify
a big hack in life too!
Hey Stackers,
Today the 3d printer is up and running, I'm printing upgrades for the ender 3: Cable chains and Fan shrouds, I'll print an attachable basket for tools and an enclosure for the screen section next.
I'm working on a bitcoin app with the help of the plebdev course called Hustle5 (my fifth attempt...) So far I've got a screen on local:3000 which displays "Welcome to TheWildHustle's fifth attempt anon! Proceed at your own risk!" The screen also has a login and logout button (Login with Github). I'm using a serverless mongo db setup and it works just fine......but I'm attempting to use the lnbits API to create user wallets and LNbits refuses to do so.......
I'm buying the cryptocloaks recommended main fan for one of my s9 heaters, for the other heater I'm buying I've already printed the adapter I'm attaching to the front for the connection. I'll test to see which is quieter and cooler. I'm running the S9's at 900 watts each, it would be cool to run them a little hotter while reducing the noise.
I need to watch tutorials on BTC pay server/Github. I need to continue the Replit 100 days of python and the Nostr Dev course (got distracted with the Pleb Dev course......was worth it though). I really need to finish Praxeology -Knut Svansholm (40 pages left) so that I can move on to cryptosovereignty, broken money, and bitcoin is venice. I need to organize my files between nextcloud/a 1 TB external hard drive and my comp. I still want to give writing content a shot, and I'd like to learn korean as well (duolingo is pretty cool).
My main job is steady but the side job search is still ongoing, I have 2 side job and 1 full time job application pending. 2 of those are bitcoin companies, one of them is stupid fiat stuff that im probably more qualified for....I haven't heard back from them in a while so I'm thinking that the search will need to intensify. I'll probably need to apply to more fiat nonsense. Whatever the case, I really need to increase my productivity.
With all that said,
I'm looking forward to Nostrville and hope to see some of you guys down there. Seems like the bull run approaches, winter is coming freaks!
What's up! Oh Bitcoin is up! 😍Happy Monday Everyone! I wanna make a cowboy hat, metal cowboy hat, Bitcoin metal cowboy hat/ Sculpture 🙌
Lightning network capacity down ~5% over the last week. not a huge pullback given the news but still a decent dip
I made this short concept/trailer/film of what Satoshi moved onto
I made this short
no you don't... some AI shit did it.
The AI didn't edit it together, clean up the music, add sounds effects, add video effects, add video timing elements, or come up with the prompts to get the visuals.
Good morning gang!!! Monday is here and the beginning of the week has begun, time to give it our best and show this week who's boss, hope you recharged your energy this last weekend so we can get this done on this one, I wish you lots of success on your endeavors my friend, you've got this!! Remember that you matter and you're important, may your day be fruitful as well, let's do this!!!! Be well and stay frosty gang!!
Howdy partners! Back to me Fiat job, but excited for a big Bitcoin week!
Last night I watched this G. Edward Griffin talk about the Federal Reserve System Private Fiat Cartel
Yup and if you Wikipedia him they slander him say he’s a perpetual conspiracy theorist
Stablecoins, aka shicoins, have never made sense to me. Why would you trust shitty shit minted on shit networks that are not supply-capped or decentralized?
the only positive I can say about stablecoins is that the sooner people onboard them, the sooner we get over the "wait this is idiotic" stage and dive into hyperbitcoinization
nope. Who is using today stablecoins doesn't have enough brains for tomorrow... those people will always be retarded.
exactly why stablecoins are *likely an inevitable part of the hyperbitcoinization process
the people are idiots
Winter is coming... and I don't like it lol
One of the options to solve this problem is to be a nomad, heading to warmer places. :)
Correcto... I'm going away for the month of December.
My cats be like "uh meow thanks, imma stay here" ;)
I'm swedish though and love winter. Darkness, silence. Muffled world. A cold pain all strangers around you share, giving you all a shared sympathy of being in it together.
This has to be one of my all-time favorite compositions: Erik Satie - Gymnopédie No.1
I can't describe how this sound makes me feel. All I know is it evokes a sense of peace and calm. It's almost like everything will be alright.
I'm sad because when I was young, I used to take MDMA and had a tradition of listening to this for a mood setting.
Now I can't listen to it without feeling anxious. It's like my brain associates Satie with intense harmony and love, so when I hear it without that chemically induced feeling, my brain feels like I'm out of balance.
That's really sad my friend. I'm really at a loss for words. I hope you're doing better now, compared to when you were younger.
Oh for sure! Doing very well :)
I've been listening to that and for the last couple of weeks, pretty wild.
Listening with my wife while waiting for a Dr. appointment. Perfect.
I've had a listen. I like it! It evokes a sense of excitement and wonder.
Thanks for sharing. I will have a listen.
One of the greatest contributions of muslim society, the art and mathematics of Girih, and their description in the Topkapı Scroll.
Imagine how much it would cost to build one of these nowadays!
But aren't they printing money out of thin air? 😆
I think what makes it really hard to build more nowsdays is 1. having masters who still have the skills, patience and taste to build, and 2. people appreciate the aesthetic and beauty instead of how much profit the building can generate.
Time to go increase the network hashrate! Just doing the lord's work...
It's not much but it's an honest living
Alright time for a little levera --- slaps self cold water splash I WANNA LEVER IT UP SO BAD GUYS
Seven come eleven boys I'll take your money home
No energy... no incentive to work... bad day, bad mood... monday.
build a life that you don't need to escape from ☀️
Nomad hack of today:
Having one home base close to nature, far from civilizations and poisons, where you can enjoy and focus on learning and building. Ideally, a place where you can be self-sufficient or easily assess the things you need to maintain a healthy life, things directly from makers or farmers.
Would Bitcoin world of the future help? (Serious question)
It's a good far north to see, but I need to solve some urgent and not important issues before focus on that. Maybe a week of help, loose the hat but gain more focus, Thanks!
No shortage of hats here for the right type of cowboy… work towards that brighter future and get it back when you can.
Windy as hell but no rain. Got a long morning drive ahead.
Enjoy the drive.
Probably the spicy food last night…. How’s the weather? lol
We don't use that euphemism as much in these parts any more. The U.S. isn't big on subtlety.
I am so old lol
Day 191 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
And it’s a Monday. Whoop whoop!
And you know what that means ;)
It’s the 1st of another 7 metal days!
Welcome __@_'-' 30% and loading.
new fun of today: delete bot 🤖
deleted by author
Nooooo!!! Lol.
haha, would be way more fun if we got to customize the "deleted by author“ after being deleted 😂
eg, opps you are late, come early next time! @WeAreAllSatoshi
That’s basically an edit beyond the 10 minute window, so probably unlikely to happen :) but nice idea!
imagining what @nemo would do!
Nemo missing in action. I hope he's alright.
4444 items by @nemo
Maybe he likes this number too much :)
And he hasn’t been by for a few days… he’s going to love it when he gets back!
he's lurking here I sensed - the hat is still on!
I guess we wouldn’t know;
‘deleted by author’ lol
Howdy partner! I'll have a glass of Jim Beam on the rocks.
Now we're talking!
Much obliged ;)
Makes me think of Sam Elliott
When I think of Sam Elliott, I think of Ghost Rider.
He was good in a pretty mediocre film. Have you seen Roadhouse?
I haven't seen that one before.
He is awesome on that - not the lead but steals the show
A fine actor who is still doing some great work.. SgtMaj Plumley from ‘Once were soldiers’ being a particular favourite.
AND... He's been married to Katherine Ross since the early 80s.
What!?! I didn't know that. Going to have to rewatch Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid now!
Now that’s an SN snail!
You know it ;)
deleted by author
deleted by author