Nice. Captures the mood. Apropos of nothing, I was watching WC Fields clips last night. His world seems like another planet.
It’s over 100 years. The entertainment world and comedy roots he came from are certainly alien to todays internet connected world.
I was entertained, though the crappy sound quality sometimes made it tough to catch what he was saying. He had that strange delivery.
Many years ago I had a senior, though very quirky, work colleague who had that eloquence / verbosity (I think that is the description) with his words and that delivery which I took for a posh drawl. Now, years later and I often do impressions, with great affection and fondness, of him and I have come to the conclusion he lived his life speaking like WC Fields. And that gives him the last laugh as none of us realised at the time.
He was incredibly talented. I think he wrote all his stuff, his physical comedy was great. He was even a really good juggler.
I heard he started as a juggler. But he was also very rehearsed with his material and that may explain why he was so protective of it.