🚨 Blockstream customer emails have been leaked and users are receiving phishing emails.
DO NOT click any links if you receive one of these.
A great example why everyone should use e-mail aliases!
I wonder what else got leaked besides the emails. Like i said many times before, you can't trust any provider of hardware wallets. And you can't trust any company in general to safeguard your personal info, they will get hacked and everything will get leaked
The only way to safeguard your Bitcoin is using SeedSigner and SeedQR method with a passphrase. No one will know you bought the parts. No e-mail required or leaked info. No need for "mandatory firmware updates".
Also, why are e-mails still a thing in 2023 for Bitcoin related-services?
I bought a Jade, among other things, from the Blockstream shop and I haven't received any of these emails.