Related to this comment but it's in the saloon from yesterday, so I'll post this here:
Okay, I start to feel like an archaeologist and now I understand more what's so interesting about being an archaelogist:
I think I just found the first version of ranking on SN in 84b69fc:
$ git show 84b69fc:api/resolvers/item.js | grep Query -A 8 Query: { items: async (parent, args, { models }) => { return await models.$queryRaw(` ${SELECT} FROM "Item" ${LEFT_JOIN_SATS} WHERE "parentId" IS NULL ${ORDER_BY_SATS}`) }, $ git show 84b69fc:api/resolvers/item.js | tail -2 const ORDER_BY_SATS = 'ORDER BY (x.sats-1)/POWER(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM ((NOW() AT TIME ZONE \'UTC\') - "Item".created_at))/3600+2, 1.5) DESC NULLS LAST'
@k00b, can you confirm or deny?
edit: lol, the feature to search through commits for specific changes like Query or rank or trust is even called pickaxe. So there is even a direct relationship to archaelogy? But not sure if archaelogists really use pickaxes a lot or if at all, lol
That is indeed it
+1 archaeology skill points
posting didn't even cost something back then afaict
No it did! That x.sats-1 is deducting your sat spent to post.
You had 2 free posts and 5 free comments
That x.sats-1 is deducting your sat spent to post.
I thought so too, but where is it deducting a sat during posting?
I thought it would happen when you create an item but can't find it there
Oh this is before I launched. I might've launched without it but I suspect it shows up before I do in early june?