The monetization process of Bitcoin will take centuries or even millennia in my eyes.
I'm starting to come around to this fact, I'll probably be long gone before Bitcoin really gets into the hands of the majority, but hey I feel like I still should play my part and see how far this goes, nothing else has worked as well for me, so just following the incentive really
I see the hopelessness here every day, from the homeless on the street to the average salaried man and woman, you can see it in their eyes, they way they speak, they try to hide it by doing "normal" things but it is just another coping mechanism, another act of sedation.
The last man comes to mind
And the world is in short supply of ubermensch, even more so than ever! It's not easy, might not even be worth it for many to take on that other path, but someones going to do it right? Why not you? Why not me? Why shouldn't we?
Thank you for these words, they please me very much :) The assumption to this very long period I conclude from the past, maybe we are wrong and finally everything happens much faster than thought. In the end, I am strongly convinced that it will depend on how "quickly" people recognize their personal benefit in healthy money and a healthy world.