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In a world where it has become the general consensus to say "you can't change that anyway," one's quest for responsibility usually feels like running in a prescribed lane.
The creation of structures such as states and governments, with an accompanying ramification of laws, regulations and rules, has shaped a sense of powerlessness. This feeling is so entrenched that grievances and injustices are accepted by the masses as unchangeable or even inevitable.
Be it wars, famines, exploitation or the misappropriation of human dignity. Injustice happens everywhere and at all times. To believe that injustice can be completely eradicated in societies as heterogeneous and multipolar as ours seems utopian. Especially since injustice is perceived primarily from the perspective of the individual or a group as a sensation.
It has already been proven that one can write countless books, essays and articles about each of these grievances and many more. There are plenty of them. As also the perspective to justice plays a role, so it does also in the recognition of grievances. Not every fatal decision or situation is recognized as such by all people. But I would like to refer here to such recognizable grievances, which are also perceived as such in the general consensus. They have already been named and published in the public, state and private media for decades. Everyone knows about it, everyone talks about it. Some try to form an opinion, others close their eyes. Some people seek discussion and confrontation in exchange. Others avoid these topics wherever they can.
It is the feeling of powerlessness. In the sight of powerful states, corporations, militaries and intelligence agencies that suggest an architecture of feigned security and order, it seems almost impossible for the individual to be effective. We literally long for guidance through regulation.
But this feeling is not necessary. On the contrary - it is harmful. This is not about coming out as a heroic fighter for peace and freedom among the sleeping. But it is important to understand that it has never been easier than today to escape this feeling of powerlessness. Liberation from monetary paternalism is possible, it is real.
Study Sats! The monetization process of Bitcoin will take centuries or even millennia in my eyes. But it is a process that knows no end. Probably not all of us will be able to experience the fruits of this miraculous development in its prime. But those who are fortunate enough to have a long time on earth and those who recognize optimism will continue what has begun.
Building wealth and personal responsibility is the key to a happy future. If not for yourself, then do it for your children and their children. Give your children the opportunity for personal responsibility, effectiveness and the aspiration to have a will of their own!
Thank you for reading the first part, which could also be called the introduction. I look forward to your opinion and criticism.
2k+ sats from 17 stackers but no comments? guess your post is just perfect and there is nothing to add :)
Joke aside, I'll try to start a discussion since this is your first post and I want to appreciate you taking the time and writing all of this down for us :)
Your post reminded me of https://www.hope.com/ and how people who say they live in democracies don't really feel that the people are in power.
I think most people are just missing the experience that they can indeed be the change they want to see in the world. They are too stuck in this fatalistic mindset and convinced themselves that are irrelevant. Which ironically is what makes them actually irrelevant.
A self-fulfilling prophecy. NPCism is a choice! lol
Thanks for your time and the input :) I look forward to going deeper into the origins and possibilities in the future in the next parts on this. I am very positive though, even if it is a long long process.
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I guess there are always at least 2 sides. More hoarding instead of spending gives the opportunity to spend more at a later time. But who knows what the future will bring :)
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That's a great mindset! We are characterized by distrust and disappointment, let's put a little playfulness in our hearts!
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The monetization process of Bitcoin will take centuries or even millennia in my eyes.
I'm starting to come around to this fact, I'll probably be long gone before Bitcoin really gets into the hands of the majority, but hey I feel like I still should play my part and see how far this goes, nothing else has worked as well for me, so just following the incentive really
I see the hopelessness here every day, from the homeless on the street to the average salaried man and woman, you can see it in their eyes, they way they speak, they try to hide it by doing "normal" things but it is just another coping mechanism, another act of sedation.
The last man comes to mind
And the world is in short supply of ubermensch, even more so than ever! It's not easy, might not even be worth it for many to take on that other path, but someones going to do it right? Why not you? Why not me? Why shouldn't we?
Thank you for these words, they please me very much :) The assumption to this very long period I conclude from the past, maybe we are wrong and finally everything happens much faster than thought. In the end, I am strongly convinced that it will depend on how "quickly" people recognize their personal benefit in healthy money and a healthy world.