1. Of course uxtos will continue, that's not in question. Fragmentation is not an issue, how? That's a statement without an explanation
  2. Asics will be more efficient sure, but this is irrelevant. Hashrate per watt measures only serve to improve competition, not provide less energy cost per block. I'm measuring hashpower in energy spent, not in hashes per second. The hash rate is a function of technology, cost of electricity, and incentive. To say one of these will go up or down doesen't matter, ultimately hashpower should be measured in terms of energy and energy can be measured in terms of money. Nitpicking what unit of money I'm using for the discussion doesen't change the essence of my argument.
  3. It does make sense to use today's dollars when describing value and cost of energy. This is today's parlance, to use some other unit is obfuscating the underlying question that I'm addressing. Random price prediction? Adding the word random to price prediction doesen't refute it, nor does it invalidate it. I'm not the only one making similar predictions. There's something called HODL bank that tries to measure peoples perceived value of bitcoin. Its measured in today's dollars. If the HODL bank trend continues $20/sat in 2140 is low, but sufficient to ask the question.
Wait... UXTO consolidation I haven't heard of this before. Thanks for pointing this out @nullcount