Bitcoin's reward halves every 210,000 blocks, or about every 1458 days.
Imagine a century of a hyperbitcoinized world where each satoshi is worth $20 USD of today's money and assume mining is still required to secure the blockchain. The reward for mining a block is only from transaction fees, and everyone largely already operates on layer-2 or higher and the purpose of mining has transitioned to recording staking for opening and closing payment channels.
Let's compute the mining reward and subsequent energy expended to mine a block in this future. I use USD as a measure of energy.
Firstly, to compute the reward per block, you must consider wallet fragmentation. If we dont make a change to the protocol to address fragmentation, each sat might need to be a separate component of a transaction, and each component uses about 135 vbytes. If the block size is 1.5M, there is an effective limit of 11650 sats recorded per block (about $230,000USD at $20/sat).
If the maximum amount of total sats recorded each block is $230k, the tolerable fees would at most be %10, therefore the total reward per block is $23,000. This is small compared to today's mining reward (6.25BTC, or around $190k).
If the reward is cut by 8x, the total hash power applied will also reduce by 8x, and this assumes the market rate is 10% per transaction. If the rate is below 1%, the hash power will fall by nearly 100x which greatly reduces incentive compared to today.
This exercise shows the danger of leaving the wallet fragmentation problem alone in the long term. I can leave it to you to compute the rate of fragmentation and when this problem will need to be solved.
Without fragmentation, on-chain transactions will benefit from larger volume and likely miners will remain profitable and transactions remain economical.
So many bad assumptions here...
  1. UTXO consolidations will continue to occur when economical - fragmentation is not an issue.
  2. ASICs will continue to get more efficient therefore a drop in reward will not drop total hash
  3. It doesn't make sense to use $ in your calculations. The system works independent of USD. Seems you just made a random price prediction and did the rest of your calculations from that.
  1. Of course uxtos will continue, that's not in question. Fragmentation is not an issue, how? That's a statement without an explanation
  2. Asics will be more efficient sure, but this is irrelevant. Hashrate per watt measures only serve to improve competition, not provide less energy cost per block. I'm measuring hashpower in energy spent, not in hashes per second. The hash rate is a function of technology, cost of electricity, and incentive. To say one of these will go up or down doesen't matter, ultimately hashpower should be measured in terms of energy and energy can be measured in terms of money. Nitpicking what unit of money I'm using for the discussion doesen't change the essence of my argument.
  3. It does make sense to use today's dollars when describing value and cost of energy. This is today's parlance, to use some other unit is obfuscating the underlying question that I'm addressing. Random price prediction? Adding the word random to price prediction doesen't refute it, nor does it invalidate it. I'm not the only one making similar predictions. There's something called HODL bank that tries to measure peoples perceived value of bitcoin. Its measured in today's dollars. If the HODL bank trend continues $20/sat in 2140 is low, but sufficient to ask the question.
Wait... UXTO consolidation I haven't heard of this before. Thanks for pointing this out @nullcount
A reminder to all nocoiners out there...
Dump your folder. 🙏