The notion that we constantly need to "hydrate". People have as a health goal "drink X amount of water every day".
Do tell... isn't water essential?
Animals have a thirst mechanism for a reason.
Sure water is essential, but your thirst will tell you if you need to drink. The idea that most of us are going around dehydrated is lunacy. A friend of mine who is obese, is carrying around a huge water container every day, making it a goal to drink a certain (very high!) amount of water daily. It's a distraction from what really needs to happen - less or no processed foods.
If you look into the science behind dry fasting, this hydration obsession becomes especially ridiculous.
When people burn body fat, one of the products of that chemical process is water. When we actually do start getting dehydrated our bodies will burn body fat and produce water internally long before we're at any health risk from dehydration.
Not if you're an android