Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Being happy that after surviving the bitcoin winter and the price increased I am able to help on one of my friend. He will buy the new tesla 3. Although during the test drive I did not like that tesla y model but he has to like it not me. By the way is it a problem if there is no more money on my bank account ? Everything is in btc now.
Gattaca is so good, @nemo is not only funny but have great movie taste.
In my top 10. What a great movie.
One of my favorite movies of all time!!!
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I actually need to learn how to swim for real, need to conquer my fear!
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The problem with taking your promises seriously is you can't promise as much as you'd like.
you start to sound like fortune cookies, lol
Stacker News fortune cookies coming soon™️
Slow day in the saloon today. I hope everyone had a pleasant day. Back to work tomorrow 😢
🇮🇱 and 🇵🇸 walked into the stacker saloon wearing six guns today. I asked them: "How long do you guys think you can keep repeating the same things over and over again while convincing the world to see different results?" They both told me to mind my own business and keep sending aid. They agreed with one another that I shouldn't look left, or right, and view war crimes in a vacuum as they happen. Anyway, I paid my tab and found their horses wandering around outside.
Simplifying your life, because complication clouds your mind.
About the war on this planet: Our great leader and founder of our republic, M.K. Ataturk says; *Unless the life of a nation is in danger, war is murder. *Peace at home, peace in the world.
GM peeps!! It's Sunday funday!!! Time to enjoy the day and let the everyday grind take the day off and it's time for us to relax, introspect and pamper ourselves. Don't forget to always be thankful for the things you have and if it's a negative situation, thank for the experience and strength gained and move forward. Right now for me it's my hot cup of java, bird chirping and going to do some meditation, then perhaps a swim and laundry. Nice little Sunday, I wish you a fantastic Sunday as well and lots of love and joy. Remember that you matter and you're important and thank you, thank you, thank you for being. As always, be well and stay frosty my much loved friend.
Good job. Wear your clothes for swim and do you laundry and exercise at the same time!
Halloween season starting for my boys. Monster Bash at their school.
Day 183 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Good evening __@_'-'
Snail had a lie in? Can’t blame you!
There you are :)
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What do you mean by this?
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Ohhh OK
Meat, vegetables, oven... Good Sunday!
How many people work in Bitcoin or Bitcoin related companies here? If so what kind of stuff do you do day to day, in terms of responsibilities?
I wish I was a headlight on a north bound train.
P.S. @k00b I tried subscribing to SN on my RSS reader and there is no content shown for any posts nor comments, just the title + time stamp. Is this intended?
Yes, we don't include content
We could though
For sure we could. The fastest way to seeing this happen is to open a GH issue describing exactly what you'd like.
Sweet will do! Just thought I would check here first.
No worries, makes sense to check here first :)
Did I just beat the snail?
Yes. But there is already a queue at the bar…
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Fiat locks undone, the ‘exit is just this way..’ who’s your true jailer?
It's not an accurate analogy, but I did get a Hotel California feel reading this.
Interesting… was more a Stanford Prison / Stockholm syndrome inspiration.
Like I said, I didn't think HC was accurate. That's become such a cliché it's probably always lurking somewhere in my brain.
Hotel California & American Pie are the sort of songs that always sit, ready to pounce, at unexpected moments.
Now I’m thinking of other songs like that; Bohemian Rhapsody? Goodbye Yellow Brick Road? Free Bird? Smoke on the water?
My head is always filled with song quotes: "Mongrels, who ain't got a penny, sniffing for tidbits like you on the ground" is one of them. I would include Dylan's "Like A Rolling Stone".
Good shout. Never a huge Elton fan but the film ‘Rocket Man’ changed my mind somewhat.
I'm not a huge fan either, but I like that song
I realized this morning that I no longer get that Sunday school/work dread feeling. I can just watch NFL football in peace.
Just depends how much of a hard time you are going to get in Stacker Sports though….
You know, after I posted I realized that rooting for my team will provide plenty of stress and anxiety. Add to that the survivor pool, and not much has changed.
Nothing like a nice calm, relaxing game of football lol
do you know that @darthcoin was on a few podcast?
I happen to relistened this one last night, it's way more fun when you hear him say it out loud: we are here to fuck the banks 😂
Curious: did you guys ever ask any lawyers about natural law? It's quite interesting that Darth's own sister won't even tell him what she knows about it.
Oh wait we have @siggy47 here, is it really forbidden to talk?
I only have the limited experience of U.S. law as applied in New York. Most lawyers here do not understand the concept of natural law, and would not know what you're talking about. If you find one who does, it would only be a vague recollection of Hagelin's presidential run. Active Libertarian Party members would be aware of natural law.
First in the Saloon today?
GM! yes, maybe other stackers still sleeping? 😂
Bitcoin never sleeps! (Bitcoiners
Yes. It's startling to hear his voice when you feel like you know him through texts.
He is way more funny in real life I think 😂
and I sense he backed to his citadel again, missing for almost 24 hours.
Yes. He seems funny and much more good natured than his online image, though we get to see the real Darth here in the saloon.
I love the idea of bumping into him in at a bar and getting force choked for real offering to pay with dirty fiat…
Self-sufficient, love cats and beer, still curious to learn and share all his knowledge even in his 50s ( generous and caring deep down ) but brutally honest, that's how I see him so far, haha, let's see would we get to discover more!
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One of the ways to see curiosity is how much someone wants to solve his/ her own problems 🤓
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