I read it. Although I don't understand everything, I think I prob get the gist of it.
If this becomes very widespread in use, and there need to be made ever more hashes to load these programs into the leaves, will the likely hood of collisions increase? And if so, can this be solved for by simple error-correction? Or maybe my questions doesn't make sense (i'm not very technical with computer stuff ;)
Don't worry, the multiverse will run out of energy before we brute-force-search our way to a sha256 hash collision.
Are you counting Marvel style 9 realms, or infinite multiverse? 😂
Either way congrats to the progress!
Thanks for taking the time. I should've known that.
Multiverse idk but for btc within its hash-horizon, it should suffice.
idk if the question is even relevant.. so.. yeah sry. Trying to grok.